The hot day.

It was a hot day. I know, there's a "no loitering" law, here at the Unified Station, our City is no slouch with hot uncut men. You're more likely than not to find an intact cock, of all ages what with the Public Hospital, not choosing to offer the "service" for free, the Catholic Hospital shunning the "Jewish Ritual," and the Meta-Hart Healthex, only treating, Heart Disease, and (whispers) ...cancer. So, the Men's Key Club, having taken over the defunct YMCA, upgraded, a room or two, at a time decades ago, (and converted the 1st floor's restroom) to handicapped. There is a rental program for upstairs rooms with their antiquated, "cattle stalls removed," open showers and trough urinals. (Most guys still hate sitting on the divider-less shitters, but, hey, I just take that business to the ground floor, ...unless middle of the night.) It's practically a men's-only condo, with an umbrella homeowners assoc. I didn't take...