Any Trough in a Storm

 I was at a lonely old gas station, on a 3rd tier exit, out in the middle of nowhere.

In the twilight, I saw the storm approaching, now it has hit us, it's drenching outside!

I had struck a conversation up with the college age stud behind the counter. (Though with this job, he probably never set foot on a canpus.)

A muted bell in the service bay area went off, and a halfway short-assed ole fella whipped in and closed the door against the fury.

"You have a restroom? This rain has me needing to go."

I piped in, "I just asked that." (I hadn't really, but, found the young attendant a bit frisky.)

The attendant added spice to the discussion, "I need to go, too, but, can't with customers in the lobby..."

"It's my lucky night! Hell, let's all go in together, that way, you won't have to worry about us out here." The older runt logically suggested.

"Sure. There's a bell if anybody else comes in." Stated, the Stud.

"Why not? It could be fun!" I lagged behind, but, not far, that's for sure!

We walked toward the men's door, behind the statutorily challenged ole guy.

"Holy moly! Where did you locate a 6' trough?" The stunted visitor queried.

We were sidling up, opening presents, and comparing notes, as the attendant, answered, "It was in the restaurant next door, when they tore it down."

The odd, soaking runt, lamented, "Nowadays, ya gotta wedge between two dried-piss covered modesty screens, here I can prop my hands on my hips, as I go." Which indeed he was doing. His not large, not small rod, was hosed out, in a downward arc, without bothering to disengage the hooded covering, nor was it flowing.

The attendant opened up his fly. His rod, was cut, and definitely on the smaller end of average.

(The attendant's display)
[See more:]

I lifted my nuts out the fly of my pants, my dick cascading over the pair...yeah, BOTH shot a glance, and  the coversation suddenly halted.

(Author's  actual goods.)
[See more:]

"For once," began the attendant, "I wish I didn't have the smallest dick in the group." Breaking the pissing-only silence.

I added, "I'd give up two inches just to have MY HOOD back. I wish mine was uncut, like yours little fella."

"I wish...," lamented the intact stranger, "mine would flow like yours! I get urges that I'm gonna wet my pants, I get here, turn it loose, and as you see, nothing happens!"

There was a flash of light, and a clap of Thunder. The lights flickered. A fart in the post-thunder silence.

[At first I was gonna say, 'That sounds like God wants us to be happy with what we got.' ]

But, instead, as the electric stabilized, the attendant's dick looked at first like it suddenly got hard, having grown to about 6, or 7".

(The attendant's gift)

The stranger started a full fluid-flow that flew from his flung-out funnel.

I looked down, and my usually 6' solid was about 4", but, amazingly, hooded.

(Author's actual results)

It seemed at that moment, 3 strangers, got their heart's desire.

"I don't exactly know what just happened," having finished pissing, I milked my rod, and it felt nicer than ever before, and stiffened rather quickly. "Are you hard, too? Randy?" (Or, at least his shirt said his name was Randy.)

"No, but, should feel how heavy this dong is!"

I was about to reach over, when stranger beat me to it.

"Heavy as a water balloon." His piss stream having ended, his hooded pecker curved slightly skyward.

I took my turn on hefting Randy's rod, for me it began to stiffen in my hand. 

"You guy's want an old fashioned circle jerk, too?" Leered the stranger.

I said, "Wouldn't be my first time."

Soon, we were having fun jacking around, slinging balls, occasionally groping the other fellas', a little sword-fighting, even giving each other a few good pumps.

The stranger broke the somewhat rowdy silence, "...anyone like a dick sukkin'?"

I hated turning loose of little ole Randy's new large gift. But, blow job trumps hand job everytime, so I relented, and the stranger inhaled Randy's newly-long prong.

We slung ejaculate onto the wall behind the trough. Pumped it into awaiting orifices, and just plain ole, stood around looking at each other's exposed packages, complimenting and cajoling.

"You don't know how an old feller likes being appreciated." The squat fella entoned.

Soon, we emerged from the JO hole, and, I was leaning on the counter, talking with Randy, the storm had let up...

"Without the play, it wouldn't stay that way. Adeiu, to you." Before we could look towards the door and return a goodnight, he ducked out. At least we think he did.

There was no door, annunciation alarm, like when he came in, ...we quickly checked our cocks, assuring our new gifts weren't just a dream. Yet, the store was empty.

The cocks were real, so, who then, was tonight's guest?

I'll be hornswoggled! Was the mysterious farting stranger some kind of storm-driven, trough-urinal, horny leprechaun?

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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