Civil War Nudity

 Confederate Private John Walters was marching in a reinforcement column from Front Royal Virginia, to Maryland as the troops were advancing toward Pennsylvanian skirmishes.

 This is a period photo of Union Troops slinnydipping

He had already explained in his diary by this point, crossings of rivers and streams this Summer and wet wool uniforms would leave one with uncomfortable rashes, so they were always fully disrobed, carried clothes and packs over their head through the river while fully naked.
One would then dry off with their union suit underwear, and get back dressed, once upon the opposite bank.
So, as they approached Hagerstown, MD, they stopped, everybody hastily disrobed, they waded across the chest-deep Potomac, and cambored up to muster, and dry off, upon the top of the opposite slightly higher bank where they could then, get dressed.
They discovered, the whole town had turned out to greet the now nude heroes' regiment, in the open field ...with a BAND!

* from NORFOLK BLUES: The Civil War Diary of Private John Walters


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