Otter bite

He was in the restroon, shirtless, and pants partway lowered.

He was VERY hairy, but with hand tremors, was trying to pull off these sort of "medical stickers." There were about 8.

Attempting to help him, we both stepped into a handicap stall, and I got started on them.
I pressed the hair down and pulled along the grain, shaving hairs with my utility knife, and with an alcohol swab got the leftover gunk.
As I moved down from chest to belly, he said one was on each thigh, and lowered his pants, no underwear. His uncut dick flopped out and it seems they had put one sticker on each inner thigh, right near his nuts. His ole dick kept slapping the back of my hand until I flat out grabbed hold nuts and all, and held it back from the swab, "If you don't want alcohol on yer nuts, be still."
"You're doing fine, just hold down what ya have to...them nurses been flopping it around, putting them stickers on..."
The musky meat was warm in my hand, and with a half-peel back, it even started to stiffen, as my hand wiggled while rubbing with the other. I said, sorry, I wasn't trying to go there...
To make the naked-dick moment last, I got up and started on the lower belly sticker on other side and left his britches down  below his free swinging dick, while removing those.
Finally, I got close again, and breathed heavily onto his uncut cock, mere inches from my face, "we're almost done." Hoping my half-bass voice would vibrate his nuts, a bit.
I grasped his dick with the my hand, in preparation, to tug off the sticker, then, Partly skinned his meat back in a seductive hand, that wiggled as I rubbed the alcohol pad.
I felt him continue to stiffen. "It feels like it's changing size on me, let me re-grip." I told him as it skinned back and slithered down the back of my hand.
As I brushed his balls, and got a better grip he stiffened more. (And I pressed the half stiffie against his tummy, as it peeled a little more.)
I finally got his stickers off and as I  moved to begin pulling the pants up, he flat out grabbed at my dick bulge.
"You gonna show yours?(So I did, he pet it a bit, knelt and took it in his mouth) "Thanks, I haven't sucked a dick in a long time."

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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