Young guy moved in next door

 He answered the door, shirtless the first time. He had a nice hairy chest.

I know I called on him unannounced, but the 35-ish dude next door, had borrowed a few items of mine, and I wanted to borrow his power washer.

He answered the door the 2nd time, in a t shirt, and a portion of a bare leg and nude hip was glanced as Lee answered the door, leaning around the end. "The combo's 1-1-3-8." I had to use his trailer to mow my niece's lawn, my mower is much more efficient than her's.

Next, in a bathrobe just last weekend, when he trotted out, holding a mug of coffee, and told me he'd be shoveling near the property line. A gust came up and an embarrassing flash, but, not long enough to know what I just saw.

I didn't know what to expect today, ...I ring his doorbell, and hear a muffled, "Who is it?" 


[Muffled] "Great, Come in."

The door was unlocked as I slipped into the foyer. Lee was absolutely naked, standing drying his hair with a towel. 

His fairly sexy Dad bod, was still fit and mildly hairy. (Not to mention, clean as a whistle, that I'd love to blow!)

His penis was flopping loose and wild with each of the towel's gyrations. 

He had started, wrapping the towel around his waist, yelled, "I'm here." Then, looked up startled.

"I thought you said, great, come in, and since the door was open...."

"Oooooh, I get it. No, I had said, 'Wait a min.'"

"It must've been muffled by the door, sorry. ...if it's any consolation," I quickly unzipped and began hoisting out the handful, I could throw these into the mix...."

I noticed he waited until my dick tip actually flopped out to say, "no, no, ...that's okay."

But, we both had a laugh at the joke anyway, as I comically tried packing it back in, too quickly.

I'd grab the nut sack, and the dick would catch on the fly like a dog with a stick, at a doorway.

I'd grab the dick, tuck it inside and my balls bulged like a beach ball.

I'd poke in the first nut, it'd pop back out.

Finaly, unbuttoned the waist open wide for chunky, and having revealed I was commando, dropped it all inside.

The little bump on the front of the towel pulsed.

"Wow, I guess, ...what did you need?"

"Oh yeah, with this hole (scratching the corner of my mouth,) misunderstanding,  I forgot... You have a nice old rod? ...I'm not much of a fisherman, but going next weekend.

"Yeah, we can step into the garage and you can find if this ole rod is comfortable to grip."

"We are talking about your rod, right?" I teased, as we stepped down to the concrete floor.

Here it is, (he picked out a red semi-shiny one,) Roaring Roger's Red Rider, got a cork grip, super spin reel, ...."

"Save the jargon,, let me hold your Roaring Roger."

He arched back, gave a fake cast with it, and, as he again stood tall, his towel fell off.

"Dang. Glad the garage door is closed, but, since you're the only one here, and you've seen it..." He slung the towel across to his washing machine, in the corner.

"It looks like it would feel good in my hand." I playfully intoned.

"Go for it. See if you can hold it for an hour or so..."

I grabbed his dick, and aside from a surprised, buck backward, he soon warmed to the idea.

Quite warm! ...and stiff. "....Yep, that's a roaring roger. ...Feels nice, I could hold this for hours." He froze, he further stiffened, he throbbed in my palm.

"Ah-hh-hh-hh-hhh" his voice pulsed staccato, with his dick-throbs.

[Dive right in the water's fine.]

I slipped my mouth over the head of his dick, and yank-mangled his balls.

He was rock hard, bursting quickly and heavily into my mouth.

It was too tasty and fun, to worry about how quickly he actually shot off.

As we silently stepped out of the  garage, back into the house, I rubbed his butt with the rod in my hand. "I give this to you as soon as I get back, might just be your turn suck my rod, so be expecting me."

"Yes, sir, ...I will" he lip-slipped.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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