The hot day.

 It was a hot day.

I know, there's a "no loitering" law, here at the Unified Station, our City is no slouch with hot uncut men.

You're more likely than not to find an intact cock, of all ages what with the Public Hospital, not choosing to offer the "service" for free, the Catholic Hospital shunning the "Jewish Ritual," and the Meta-Hart Healthex, only treating, Heart Disease, and (whispers) ...cancer.

So, the Men's Key Club, having taken over the defunct YMCA, upgraded, a room or two, at a time decades ago, (and converted the 1st floor's restroom) to handicapped. 

There is a rental program for upstairs rooms with their antiquated, "cattle stalls removed," open showers and trough urinals. (Most guys still hate sitting on the divider-less shitters, but, hey, I just take that business to the ground floor, ...unless middle of the night.)

It's practically a men's-only condo, with an umbrella homeowners assoc. I didn't  take long for the upper floors to get the rainbow treatment, given the LGBTQ, etc. alphabet souped up management of the joint.

So, when I got home from work, found the back of house elevator actually working, which conveniently opened next to my room's door. (Guess, now, I'll have to keep it closed, ...well, I'll  give it a week, too see how much traffic...after all, I got top floor, back corner room, with the view of the marina.

(I peer, down my telescope at the open boats at the pier, just to catch the lazy, non-hatch closing Captains, and their peers, haul off their drawers. Especially, at the dock's extremities. ...but, I digress.)

The sign in the elevator, read: (And I quote.)

"This elevator is to be used by those, wishing to go from your rooms to the basement's pool.

As a tradition, this pool did not allow textiles. So only nude bathing will be allowed, and therefore there could be nudity, in this elevator. Please, towel off before, entering elevator.

The modest may wrap their towels, while in elevator.

The pool plumbing has been inspected and repaired. The opening date, will shortly follow this Labor Day, when tested to fully function."

Holy shit!

We're getting a men's-only pool! With the exception of a corner, handicap-helper, it is virtually back in time.

I waited a month, and four days, for the pool to open. In fact, I forgot it WAS that day, until gangs of nekkid guys, towels around necks, were standing outside my open door, waiting on the slow-poke elevator. 

Half the time, not all could travel down together, and it would get sent back up (when it wasn't  being usurped by the dang lower floors!) so, I ended up with extended viewings of the dry, pre-dipped, peckers, and saggy nuts.

I've hiked nude to the other end of the hall, just to take a tinkle. So, fair's fair.

I saw practically every guy on the top floor, naked, before I realized the pool had opened, causing such heavy traffic.

Should I go, and oggle the sight? Just be another penis in the pond? A plethora of eye-candy, the likes of which will rarely be, repeated?

Or, count on Capt. MONEY WELL, (the yacht's name,) that, like clockwork, always gets nekkid in his salon, gives his nuts a vigorous scratch, and jack's off, before he slips on a pair of trunks, and steps up onto deck, and sips his sundowner.

I mean, me and he seem to have a thing, he always shows me his JO fun, (tho' he's blithely unaware I'm watching.) My telescope is trained on his cabin's hatchway.

Fuck it. I gotta try the pool.

I grabbed the towel with a grommet hole in the corner, clipped my room-key into the grommet, and levitated down  with no interruption, or crowding.

It was BEAR SOUP, Twinks galore, and skin, foreskin, and more skin!

I had just jacked off a quick toss, so I wouldn't be showing a wooden wand waving.

I tried the chilly water, and instantly, my ole nuggets (arguably my best feature,) lept, behind my chest; refusing to come out, for the rest of the afternoon.

I didn't know most of the faces, (or, dicks, as far as that's concerned,) as they weren't from my floor. 

(Let's face it, my floor went rainbow glitter overnite. I mean, yeah, I JO thinking about dudes' being dudes...but, Mary Fairy, just ain't  as sexy a the lantern-jawed cowboy, watching TV, in the lobby club each night.

 His cowboy hat changing black felt, to white straw, with the seasons. (Not to mention his windy-day, ball cap.) Well, sexy, for ME, anyways. 

So, I just swam near enough for a little frottage, (giving and getting, If you know what I mean?)

I got back out, and dried off attempting to coax my nuts back on display, (to no avail., I didn't  feel them drop out until 8 o'clock, that night!)

I did, get a couple of good gropes to my group, as well as a few "feelsies."

But, feeling lantern-jawed Tracey's Dick?, (it repeatedly poked my leg, mid-thigh, I reached down to fell what was causing that, when I grasped a grip of the throbbing bannana-stick, I suddenly turned and saw a Cheshire grin, supported by a black-stubbled protruberant chin.

I turned loose, startled it was his. He quizzically, frowned.

As I slid back under the water's surface, and got a solid grasp on the situation, his smile returned, in Spades!

"208, in case you're wondrin'," Dang, that deep drawl, only resonated in that copious chin-ness. "Done been wanting, to suck your ole dick, for about 4 months. ...a sight bigger, than I been imagining, too."

"Done figured, up in Gayzy Acres you get all the the dick-sukkin' you'd ever want."

"They're not my type." I flatly stated.

"Hell, I didn't even think I was gay," started Tracy, "until I pulled my groin, up at a rodeo in Missouri, that old fart must've been 35 if a day...the fella massaging my thighs had caloused hands...I sprang lumber up, like a sequoia!"

He casually put his hand directly  down on it, and "held it" in place, "to prevent waving around, and end me up with a real erection."

I felt my dick pulsing in his strong hands, and melted. Right there, on a massage table, first dang dick, I ever sucked.

I reached up the leg of of the rubdown fella's loose shorts, gonna rub the surface of his underwear, and he had a stubby little rodder ripping, as well."

"I tugged his balls a bit, towards me, and that sneaky-snake slipped right into my mouth.

"My ole tongue mashed, slid beneath,  swirled, and licked the undershaft skin of his dry-piss packing, pucker-tipped, püss-poker.

His description of enjoying the livin' fuck, out of sukkin' a dick, had my underwater boner raging!

"Look at the time!" [code for let's blow this joint]

"Is it 2:08? ...Already?" [Confirming his room number]

We grabbed our towels, drying/wrapping on the way to the elevator.

We got to his doorway, before he fell on his knees, right there in the vacant hallway, and lip-locked my luckily liberated long lasso.

His tight lips, shoving back the foreskin, like a bulldozer with too much dirt to move.

He pumped, and played with the cold shriveled sac, milking the tease out of the jism fountain hidden inside.

We never got into room 208. But, weren't interrupted either, unless you count the old fossil, cracking his door wider to watch, as he played with his own pecker, (I guess like  me and Capt. Money Well.) An oozing blob falling onto the hallway's gray carpet tiles.

I looked down at the nude strong shoulders of cowboy Tracey, and got super-horny again, realizing he still sucking my dangling dork.

I shot him straight between the eyes, dribbling down his nose, he licked his tongue as the blobby bead, dripped off the tip of his nose.

I thought he'd invite me in for a beer, .. he scooted backwards, through the door, and shut it, leaving me, with my spent dork, and hidden nuggets in the abandoned hallway.

"Wand'ya beer?"

The voice, was coming through a half cracked-open door, The old fossil, beckoned me, I got to his door, "got another in ya, kisd?" His mouth, already tasting my  answer.

I drank the beer in a guzzling chug.

"Let me see your chest, Pops!"

I started pissing onto his chest, when he, again, dove mouth-first onto the fount of gold.

Then, oddly, with a shameful shove, pushed me into the hallway, and closed his door, as well.

Like I say, it was a hot day.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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