
Some oil change

 When he disappeared from work, I had no clue where to check on him, no Facebook, he merely vanished. I don't know how a handsome stud just vanishes, I mean I figured he'd come back and turn in uniforms, be behind the counter at the grocery store, or something. I work in Central warehouse, and he was bucking for forklift operator, wben he suddenly departed.  So, I was bringing him up to speed on the safety courses, before letting him try his hand. ...Then, poof. I normally, by a few months in, figure out a way to see, on every guy I work with, just what he's got to work with ib the package department.  Like, for instance, Jim over there, stubby cut dick with a big left ball,  ...while Mike, on the forklift, is hanging a horsecock and no balls to speak of.   Tony? Well, not ALL black guys have big units.  Terry has a snouted cock, and as it was somewhat cold, I won't complain on his nugget size. But, Denny? Poof. Well, until today. I was getting an oil change kit, some w

Tow Jam

 2nd hour of walking. The heels of my boots are starting to pound through the gel insoles. The day is warm, and I took off the sweat pants an hour ago. I chugged my water bottle.  Air horn, ...thanks asshole, I know you're coming, I heard you a mile back. Air brakes, rush of wind, and the tow truck was stopped, a few hundred yards ahead  I hooked-up, trotting to the passenger door, before he could change his mind. The door popped open, and driver was leaning to pick up an empty Gate-Raid bottle from the modest collection, in the passenger floor. "Climb on in! with ya in a second." In one quick move, shoved a hand into his sweats, flipped his meats over the waistband, and pussy-fucked the mouth of the bottle, ...releasing a torrent of piss into the measurable confines. I stared at his openly relaxed balls, holding up the wantonly open pussy-hole, he lifted the bottle and as his flaccid cock loudly thumped, he screwed on the cap, feigned offering me a guzzle/turn, and

Hobo Holiday

The routine practice of hopping trains was developed out of desperation. The destinations were unknown, the likelihood of getting caught, quite real.  But, after all, getting caught meant a free meal. The time actually aboard? Boring as hell. If alone, Jake and Eldon were in a boxcar, and helped me hop on. That's where I came in.  There were 3 of us, that made it aboard, I was the first to speak, "Nothing to do now, except nap.  ...or, do some rifle polishing !" I told the other 2 hobos present. I put my fingers to the button fly of my old work pants, with a leading look of question. "Hell, ...I'm Eldon. I can use one,  for sure. C'mon Jake, know you want tuh." Eldon had a hungry look, like eager for friskiness. Eldon had his risen wand revealed, and strokin' already, before my 2nd button was even undone! "Well, ..." Jake begrudgingly began to join us, as well. Since Eldon had no problem pulling it out and pumping his fist, in front

Civil War Nudity

  Confederate Private John Walters was marching in a reinforcement column from Front Royal Virginia, to Maryland as the troops were advancing toward Pennsylvanian skirmishes.  This is a period photo of Union Troops slinnydipping He had already explained in his diary by this point, crossings of rivers and streams this Summer and wet wool uniforms would leave one with uncomfortable rashes, so they were always fully disrobed, carried clothes and packs over their head through the river while fully naked. One would then dry off with their union suit underwear, and get back dressed, once upon the opposite bank. So, as they approached Hagerstown, MD, they stopped, everybody hastily disrobed, they waded across the chest-deep Potomac, and cambored up to muster, and dry off, upon the top of the opposite slightly higher bank where they could then, get dressed. They discovered, the whole town had turned out to greet the now nude heroes' regiment, in the open field ...with a BAND!   * from NORF

Dan and I Jacked off

 Mom had a neighbor buddy* named Dan, he often visited, and even babysat** for her if she needed. Dan and I were out of town at a Lodgemens' Convention; Mom went to Breckenridge. I was now 19, about to go into the Navy. All my life, I remember Dan was never a modest fella, even back when I still had buddy sleepovers, went camping, or, he took care of our pool; or, if he'd showered, and then trot out nekkid, while scratching his pubes, his dork would wiggle and sway heavily, as he used the Wall Phone, shaved nekkid, or changed slowly. He just never cared to hide it from me or my friends. Dan's puckered penis My sleepover buddies, (after he left our presence,) always commented on his hanging horsemeat. "I Like Dan's... aftershave, ...and his turkey-wattle dick-skin just gave me a stick, ..feel this!" (and, of course, I felt my bud's rod, which was rock solid...hence, an excuse to play with each other's.) So, now seeing Dan in our motel room wandering nak

Creole Feté d'eau

 I had an overly friendly Creole co-worker, Grégory d'Aire, (...for 6 whole months I thought it was Greg Dare.) But, he had no keep-your-distance filter. He was friendly enough, but, didn't know when he was uncomfortably in your face. He had French good looks, what with his black hair, blue eyes and pale white skin. We had a few Pot Lucks at work, and he was certainly a good cook...of course you're wondering more... At a pool party, he was shirtless, and his hairy chest, didn't disappoint, nor cover his black nipples! (Fascinating, a guy almost sickly "pale," had such ""dark" erectile tissue. Does he have "black" balls, too?) So, the arrangement was, women use restroom, in bedroom,  thru the sliding glass used the bathroom located in the cabana, as it had no lock on the door. Well beers later, it was my turn, and while enjoying the solitude,  I should not have been surprised, that someone came in. I should have expected of a

1st Public Sex was Swinging

I guess my first account of boy/boy/girl or "Swinging" with a couple, was actually the year after I got out of the Navy. I was at a "quirky" group's concert, you know, the one that couldn't get airplay, because the my were so odd...then, two albums later, even the first album was then played often on the radio? Well, their concerts weren't exactly spectacles. No visual need for the stage lighting...heck, did they just prop up those life-sized cardboard likenesses, and play the record? Anyway, I was on the front portion of floor tickets, no chairs. I felt someone, give me a dick-graze. I looked to my right, and a squirrelly guy was looking at me with a $#!+ eating grin. Just as I was about to pop him one, he tilted his head, and rolled his eyes, in a "look down," motion. As I felt a firm grab at my pants, I looked down, and a girl, was on her knees, sucking his dick, AND she was jacking off the tiny-peckered, but beefy guy on the other side of h