Hobo Holiday

The routine practice of hopping trains was developed out of desperation.

The destinations were unknown, the likelihood of getting caught, quite real. 

But, after all, getting caught meant a free meal.

The time actually aboard? Boring as hell. If alone,

Jake and Eldon were in a boxcar, and helped me hop on.

That's where I came in. 

There were 3 of us, that made it aboard, I was the first to speak, "Nothing to do now, except nap.  ...or, do some rifle polishing!" I told the other 2 hobos present. I put my fingers to the button fly of my old work pants, with a leading look of question.

"Hell, ...I'm Eldon. I can use one,  for sure. C'mon Jake, ...you know you want tuh." Eldon had a hungry look, like eager for friskiness.

Eldon had his risen wand revealed, and strokin' already, before my 2nd button was even undone!

"Well, ..." Jake begrudgingly began to join us, as well.

Since Eldon had no problem pulling it out and pumping his fist, in front of a stranger,  he might be Jake's secret tut-tooter.

Pretty soon, all us were pounding the anvil, and watching the other gentlemen's technique.

"I was down in Valdosta. This here woman, 3 blocks over, in a yellow house? Invited me in for a meal, then, bath, ...she done even washed my clothes, for me. Drawers and all!" Eldon began.

I was sitting in her kitchen on a stool, nekkid as a jaybird, wearing nothing but the skimpy towel that wouldn't even cover me.

When, my clothes were on the line, she went out and tested them, they were still damp. I was expecting a man to burst through the door any minute.

"She came in and said, she was 'a widow.' Then, knelt down and she lifted my towel away!"

(I was hanging on every word.)

He told of her fellating him, and said, "you wouldn't believe how good it feels!"

The worn-down scruffy butt, leaned against the side bulkhead, spoke, "I had mouth-sex once," Jake volunteered. "In West Virginny after quitting the coal mine." 

(Getting or giving, he was offering no further details.)

I didn't want to seem clueless, "Well, I had heard of it, but, not before leaving home. So, I never had the chance." I virginally offered. "All I got left is, ...to taking matters into my own hands! But, I'm good at that!"

I slowly pumped, showing the slickeriness of the head playing hide and seek.

Eldon, licked his lips, "Well, I'm just sayin', ...if you haven't had one..."

"Well then Eldon, why don't you just go on and show him?  ...while you're at it, work on me too?" (Damn, Jake! That sounds almost like a dare.)

"Paul may not even be the playful type..." Eldon retorted. "Some fellas don't like that stuff."

(Hmm, sounds like he's more than, willing, but, now the ball is in my court.)

"I can always play with myself, this may be my only chan...." 

Eldon had plugged my pecker into his spread lips, and within a moment, ...the warmth, gushed up over me.

Clickety clack, forth and back, my hips moved instinctively. 

I felt a hand slip onto my lower back, I saw Jake smiling at me. He was getting the milk-maid treatment by Eldon's right hand.

Boxcar Jake's eyebrows raised, "You wanna try it, Paul?"

The thought of standoffish Jake's super-low hanging balls anywhere near my chin, repulsed me; but, upon seeing a rare glimmer in his suddenly-handsome eyes, his face went from scraggly old man, to a friend you'd give your life for.

(Well, since HE asked, and it's only HIS proudly prodding pecker.. )

My mouth dropped open, agape, like hangar doors receiving an airship!

He slipped his tan-nanna out of Eldon's glove-of-love, and the full magnitude aimed it's brazenly naked head, on a collision course with my throat.

As it wagged mid-air closer and closer, I could have turned away, or stopped it in protest. But, the stiffened love-wand, continued it's menacing approach.

I could have closed my mouth, but, the poppin'-pecker was the only thing I wanted and now it was one full length away for my feverishly-waiting lips.

There were textures, the outer shaft slipped and skittered, just like when I jack my own off, the skin was taut as it slipped up and down the shaft revealing the bulbous, but, moist bell clapper seen in flashes from Eldon's earlier handiwork..

The older, kind, if-leather-tanned, face of Jake, contrasted with this all together fresh, young, alabaster prod pumping my oral cavity.

He could been a 20 year old boxer!

My lips and tongue, fought with the limp, then drum tight, and back limp, skin rolling around the topmost ridge of his now fully pumping and humping sex shaft.

His hands firmly gripped my ears, he pulled me close, bent over the top of my head, kissing my necks' scruff he gave a firm shove.

Eldon's voice broke the silence, "You don't have to spit it out, it won't hurt ya to swallow it." 

Maybe he already knew the signs of Jake when he has orgasms?

I tasted the flavorful cocktail, rolling in my mouth. Not at all objectionable.

[Soon, I was to discover, sucking off men's chili dogs was a great way to stave off hunger...but, I digress]

About then, Eldon did some different stuff than I did, and my rigid bone was throat-poking, and at the ready.

Instinctively,  I knocked off Eldon's hat, while quickly grabbing his head, and felt the masterbation-plateau rush, as I passed the no-return zone.

I flodded, Eldon's maw with Papa flow. He gulped and licked, as I pulled out.

Spent, I sat back, and a few more pulses of dream-cream dribbled down the tower. 

Jake, leaned forwards, like a gruff miner stating,  "no need to waste it...." He began gulping a mouthful of fun in the process. His tongue even dug into my skin-hole at the tip!

We mostly sat, played cards, and pissed out the door, as needed. 

We also exchanged curious glances, as to which men were always willing; and which of us are willing to play, only when women were not around.

I watched as my two new buddies left.
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Check out my photo blog here:https://homegrownnudemen.blogspot.com/2022/04/trace-james-35mm-bw-session.html


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