1st Public Sex was Swinging

I guess my first account of boy/boy/girl or "Swinging" with a couple, was actually the year after I got out of the Navy.

I was at a "quirky" group's concert, you know, the one that couldn't get airplay, because the my were so odd...then, two albums later, even the first album was then played often on the radio?

Well, their concerts weren't exactly spectacles. No visual need for the stage lighting...heck, did they just prop up those life-sized cardboard likenesses, and play the record?

Anyway, I was on the front portion of floor tickets, no chairs.

I felt someone, give me a dick-graze. I looked to my right, and a squirrelly guy was looking at me with a $#!+ eating grin.

Just as I was about to pop him one, he tilted his head, and rolled his eyes, in a "look down," motion.

As I felt a firm grab at my pants, I looked down, and a girl, was on her knees, sucking his dick, AND she was jacking off the tiny-peckered, but beefy guy on the other side of him.

It didn't take me long to assist, with both unzipping and hoisting out my dick and balls!

She was then, pumping me, and the other guy, to the rhythm of the song, and sucking her boyfriend's dick.

I'd heard of nympho's before, but, hadn't encountered one.

The little dicked guy on the other side, craned to see my balls flopping all around, as it was a late Summer arena concert.

He reached over, and we did a brother's handshake.

It wasn't long before she stood back up and hug her beau.

I saw the upper teen, on the other side, left his pointy little dick out, an the guy between us, tuck his away, and the couple melted towards the back of the crowd.

Suddenly, Princess Tiny Prick and I were sided by side, "I'll leave it out, if you do." He, hand next to mouth, said.

"Maybe someone will come along, and finish the job." I encouraged.


"...finish the job!" I stated strongly in his ear, over the blaring music.

He reached over sideways, and manhandled my manhandle.

Felling my sweaty balls hanging out, and squeezing my rod....I had forgotten the girl left, and now it was little-dickster that was doing it...but, he already established a foothold..His hand back-jacked my dick in a way that wasn't uncomfortable, and downright new.

Until my cum flew!

All over the guy's jeans in front of me.

(Tho' Little Lord Jack Le roy, did sneak his jismed hand up to his mouth for a taste. As if I wasn't looking.)

"Do you know that guy?" I asked.

"No, do you?" 

"What you doing after the show?"

"Taxi back to the base." (Tiny-pricked hand jobber was in the Navy?)

"Well, hell, Squid, ...I can take you back, at least to the gate, after Aweful House..."

After ordering waffles, we dashed to piss in the restroom.

 Since the door could lock, I did. Then, told tiny meat to shuck the shirt and drop trou', for a pic.

                   After ordering Waffles we took pics of each other to remember the concert.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling, tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've had similar experiences, comment below.

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