Hobo Holiday

The routine practice of hopping trains was developed out of desperation. The destinations were unknown, the likelihood of getting caught, quite real. But, after all, getting caught meant a free meal. The time actually aboard? Boring as hell. If alone, Jake and Eldon were in a boxcar, and helped me hop on. That's where I came in. There were 3 of us, that made it aboard, I was the first to speak, "Nothing to do now, except nap. ...or, do some rifle polishing !" I told the other 2 hobos present. I put my fingers to the button fly of my old work pants, with a leading look of question. "Hell, ...I'm Eldon. I can use one, for sure. C'mon Jake, ...you know you want tuh." Eldon had a hungry look, like eager for friskiness. Eldon had his risen wand revealed, and strokin' already, before my 2nd button was even undone! "Well, ..." Jake begrudgingly began to join us, as well. Since Eldon had no problem pulling it out and pumping his fist, in front ...