On discovery a friend, Van, was uncut

A friend of mine for some several years, was real 'cagey' about his dick. I'd seen his brother's, but the way Ralph held it, at least, all that stuck out past his loose coveralls, left the whole enchilada exposure somewhat wanting. Couldn't tell if Ralph was cut/uncut; Couldn't even tell how much he 'really had.' So I was telling my buddy, "I'm like a Nationally known Intactivist, and have been protesting circDumbcision all my life, I held my meat out by the handful, 'I got the scar to prove it!" "Hell, I'd trade all of this for a dick like old Randy's" (Someone we had discussed having a rather small uncut dick, before.) "It's not how much you've got, it's what percentage you've got left." I added. "Me and my brother are uncut, see?" He volunteered. (Really Van's dick!) Suddenly, his older brother, Ralph, looked less like one of the Jewish actors from The Ten Commandments,...