I get nervous and Talk too much

 I took my car in for an oil change. Since there were cars in front of me, I knew it would be a few hours.

I decided to wander to the old Veteran's coffee klatch, at Ralph's Store and Diner.

Maybe one of my buddies will drop me off to wait at home, and take me back to the mechanic's this afternoon.

Bill's truck was hooked to the trailer, so he was hauling cattle today. There was some new guy. Jim and Randy always carpool, and they're in the Corvette today.

We were shooting the breeze, as usual. I mentioned, hoping for a ride into home, and back to the mechanic's later.

Daryll the new guy, offered to take me, once we had finished our coffee allotments. 

When time came, we headed out.

I don't know why, I guess nervous chit-chat. 

I mentioned, "Daryll is a common enough name, but, including you, I could count the ones I've met on one hand! Daryll tmy Principal, a Daryll on my ship in the Navy, a boss once, and oh, yeah, Daryll from my class, back in school."

Without stopping, so hung up on reminiscing,  I had added, "Daryll in school was lucky enough to be one of only two uncut guys in my whole class."

"Oh yeah?" the currently driving Daryll, remarked, "I guess you mean being uncut is a good thing. It's certainly a conversation tangent. Were you good friends?"

"Not really. We never did anything together, If that's what you mean, except that one time."

"What happened then?"

"Nothing, really, just two guys, each jacking off in the woods, kind of stuff."

"No, really, I'd  like to hear how you fell into That!"

"My Dad's uncut dick was pretty normal, you know, on the large end of average, and the hood stopped at the end of the head, right?"

Dad's dick, last time I took a pick of it.

"Sounds pretty normal."

"I know right? So, Darryl's was only about 3", 

"Lots of guys in high school get bigger dick later," He interrupted. 

" Yeah but, Some of the guy's ribbed him about it, until Richard went too far saying it was weird and the tip was saggy, to which Daryll replied it's been like this ever since Richard's-then-current girlfriend sucked his dick all night...Richard was both shot -down, and livid. No one else ever mentioned how unusual his  extra long foreskin was. That's  for sure."

Daryll the driver interjected, "Well, cut high school boys, always think uncut dicks have something wrong with them."

"No, I've been to boot camp, I've seen dicks, and Daryll's was...different."

"How so?"

"Okay. So, I guess I should better describe it. His dick is about 3, maybe 4 inches long, at most, you know, respectable, but nothing to write home about. His foreskin clenches tight around the head, then forms a floppy little meat-tube, for ANOTHER 2-1/2 or 3 more inches, beyond that! Whole thing always lookin' like a half-blown-up clown balloon."

"Wow! And, you got to see it hard while he Jacked off?"

"That's the weird part! We were in the woods, and you know, just pissin', and it ballooned up and sprayed way far!"

He started milking it all out when he was done, I said, "Tug more than twice, your playing with it, Buddy."

He said back at me, "Your dick looks as hard as a log of maple."

So's, I look down, and my bone is wagging harder than I ever saw it before. "Fuck it, no one's around." 

Author's actual meat

So, I started a little surface rubbing on the drum-tight skin.

He told me, "Looks so tight, you ran out of room to grow. Mine just keeps getting bigger." 

He grabbed my shaft and tugged a time or two each way, "man that's super tight."

'His ole Balloon began to inflate. It only got a tiny bit fatter, but lengthwise, the leading head-bulge, just snaked along, longer, and longer...

finally stopping with the whole shaft and skin filled and firm, with the head poked half out!"

I had it in my hand, smoothly slurking the soft skin back and forth across the hard inner base, before I even realized it was my own hand I was watching. It felt like a smooth, natural motion, and he lapsed into a, "yeah, Suck it some more, Cyndi," mantra.

[Cyndi Schultz? The FFA Queen? Has she been throat-poked by this whopper-stopper?]

I clearly said, "Who?" 

Ole Daryll  just said, "Oh sorry, Your calloused hands felt like Cyndi's, I mean, reminded me of someone."

"This is an amazing transformation!" I gushed about his dick, "Why didn't  you get it hard in gym class, that time we were goofing off with the measuring tape? They wouldn't let you count the floppy part, since we all didn't have one to add." I enquired.

"There was nothing sexy about it. A few guys were getting worked up, but, only Will, who was holding and measuring was actually Raging boned, ...remember? "

He continued, "But, here in Nature, we can butt-fuck, suck dick, Jackoff, or just get a tan, and chill."

"Well, I'm not letting that sneaky snake plunder MY butt!"

"NO. I didn't say we would, ...just could."


"Before I knew I would ever allow it, I became a cocksucker, and I felt the velvet skin in my mouth, before I tasted dick, or even known I had taken the plunge.

Daryll bucked, and resumed poking my face-hole."

"Fuck it, a blow job ain't gay, it's a fukkin' BJ, if my girl doesn't want to (right now,) how can she blame me?"

"I was feeling a little of the turkey-wattled noodle-end tickling my throat. But, it only enhanced that I was not only touching, ...but, sucking the shit out of that wrestling-team floppy-tipped dick."

"Even his balls are jumping around, what with me playing tug-of-war on them."

"Man, ...I'd never even tasted cum before, he unloaded shot after shot into his foreskin, for my tongue to find."

Snapping aware,  I interrupted, "Oh, hey. I'm in the Tan house on the left, you can drop me off, and I'll call a buddy for a ride back, later."

New Daryll half-leered, "Or, I could just come in and hang out, ...maybe even shake off these travlin' clothes for a 

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