Ranger Paul Ursa

 It's almost a joke that Dave and I are on Bear Patrol with the Green Range National Park.

We're both stocky, bearded, gay Rangers.

I've noticed, with Covid, the crowd-pleasing parks suffered in attendance, but, our little slice of the Rockies got a boost...namely among Gay Naturist groups.

Now, we are far from the "Family oriented" parks, like Yellowstone, and to tell the truth, as many Naturist groups go hiking, they carry trash bags, and pick up litter.

Thus it was with Plain Bears, out of South Kansas/Northern Oklahoma.

I flipped Dave, he got South Trail, I got North.

I could tell a group had gone ahead of me, from the lack of litter...and it wasn't long before I caught up to the group.

They weren't hard to spot, and the North trail rarely got a bear report.

So, I greeted, answered questions, and everybody was friendly.

"No, nudity isn't an issue, until it becomes an issue."

"Now, I don't want your group to get in trouble for lewd and lascivious behavior, on the trail."

When the group diverged at the turn off to short-loop, one guy came on long-loop, (boy, did he! But, I get a head of myself...) as the inexperienced should not hike alone.

We were hardly out of eyesight when he started dropping hints he wanted to see what I was working with.

So, after a few hundred meters,  we slipped into the WPA Era cabin-style restroom, in the middle of nowwhere.

The mostly dried-salt-stained hand-built piss-trough was about 9 feet long.

I didn't need to sneak a look, to know what he had. Though I'm sure he did to me.

I tried to present it semi-erect, and was thinking about this moment, as I knew it was ahead on the trail.

The fella was ready and willing, unfortunately the attempt to semi- was thwarted, and I got a solid pecker pointing at the puddle.

He looked because he commented. 

"I see why you said, 'This trail would get hard, later!" He toyed, with a frisky double entendre.

"Oh, It's gonna be a Long Night!"I lamented.

"Nite? It's long right now." Delbert, pump a fist, in mime of a JO...tho' his dick was limp.

"Well, we're not technically 'on' the trail." I offered.

The daddy-bear reached over and stroked my bare bone.

He stiffened, as his hand slid up my tailored waist, and felt the hairs beneath the fabric of my shirt. As his hand slipped up to my collar,  my mouth watered.

Soon his meaty paw was shoving me down onto my knees and his erection aimed, just below my eyesight.

I opened my jaws wide for chunky happiness.

The warm meat was plump and spongy as it rested in my bearded cave.

He relaxed and slipped back placing his buttocks onto the handmade trough, then, had trouble deciding if he wanted to just stay in my mouth for a while, or get that dick back out. In fact, Delbert kept testing both ways, in rapid succession.

Meanwhile, I was rough-tongueing the hidden head, with my active tongue. Exploring the tightness of his hooded shield of protection.

Yanking and swatting balls have been a favorite pass time since High school baseball. 

Delbert was between standing and skull pumping me into slobbering minion, or relaxing and rubbing his tit-points, enjoying the ride.

Delbert was wiggling in the hips as he stood all he could, he pulled out, "I'm abouta cum!"

"Put it back in so I don't get it on my uniform." 

He plunged deep, and unloaded, a whang-tang dose of happy juice.

"I'm glad nobody caught us...."

"Why?" Asked Delbert.

"So when I write 'nature group, no lewd behavior was observed,' I won't  be lying."

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