Pissin' Contest

 Friday, The drag show began:

There were the bar flies, at the bar, watching the shirtless leather stud shake cocktails high enough to see his armpits.

There were the serious attendees, grabbing tables, and dropping tips.

Those two sailors over there, look at odds. One is way too amused,  one is way too confused.

Boo Merangue opened and did 3 lip-syncs, showing off the new gown, and closed with a sung torch tune.

Carmel Cokaine did the obligatory Beyoncé approach.

Then, the popular Belle Leemick was introduced and the crowd perked up.

A cowboy to my right, kept re-adjusting his basket, which dramatically increased in mass, between when he headed up to drop a Texas-$!×€ tip; got an air kiss, and returned ...fist in pocket.

I went to the showroom, to hang my hose and tinkle, a trickle.

There was a cluster of drag wannabes, "If ya use a urinal, ya gotta step back, until your piss can't  reach anymore." A tough, for a chick, voice stated tonight's rules.

I stepped up to the hole on the wall, and began hosing it. Step back, another step, third step, still hosing a solid.

I kept moving further, when I felt something on my back, I thought it was a tough girl, gonna pat me on the back.

Then, my skull cracked against the concrete. It was the far wall. The all girl, drag gang was wide-eyed watching as my balls supported the free shooting rod.

"Damn. Della! This guy reached all the way across!"

"Then, why aren't  you suckin' his dick? Leavin' a man hangin', ...bitch, you trifling!"

The cocksucker just snorkled me right there! In front of the whole group!

I was hard on display, and the others, cheering us on! They were feeling my drippy saliva-coated nuts. The queen and her court admiring how huge they were.

I was the bull in the drag house, and they took turns giving me lip-locks, and feelzies, as well as shoving a bitch to the side, to get her turn to taste.

Sailors can't resist any opportunity to hang out their hose, much less, a pissing show...

So I wasn't surprised, when the confused sailor rounded the corner. Saw me getting my dick sucked, and barely had time to unbutton those blue bellbottoms.

He stared wide-eyed at the glossy red lips giving my dog horn a lip polish.

"If ya piss into a urinal, your got to keep stepping backwards, until you miss." I informed him of the rules, "This is what you get, if you win." I pointed to the furiously bobbing head, in the cheap wig.

He still looked over his shoulder as my casual attitude of getting a public dick-suckin'. He slowly moved back from the urinal, "awe, honey, say, That is so, cute. Look Earline! He has a fire-hose tip."

"And those red furry balls! Pffft. I wanna gag on that hairball."

The uncut red headed sailor stiffened and the piss stream started getting erratic, if still hitting the pisser... 

"Mmmm, he likes me." A muscular miss mentioned, as the red flush was rising in his dimpled, boyish cheeks. 

Earline was shameless, "Popeye, If you get any harder, you're gonna poke my tonsils out with a skewer!"

His back hit the wall, and Earline could contain herself no more, she bent down and started a suction display Dyson would be proud of. 

He reached across, and gave me an absent minded handy stroke, before yanking his hand back.

Earline, was kneeding his pink ass-cheeks with her brown fingers, crested with red nails.

I shot, and the current non-swallowing bitch, practically threw up, before getting it all spit out, meanwhile a loosely shot rope-pulse hit Sailor red in the hip.

He felt it, and looking at his sticky-slimed palm, licked it. Then, again, realized he was in public.

Poor Earline didn't know what hit her!

He suddenly grabbed the back of her head, and bucked forward with his hips. Earline was having traumatic vapors, as her wig fell onto her face filled with dick.

The sailor looked as surprised as anybody.

"Hey, Swabbie, never touch a sister's hair. ...She puts too much effort into it."

Earline, in a sobbing heap on the half wet floor hooked her arm around my leg, and nuzzled her temple on my thigh.

The sailor, was saucer-eyed.

"I didn't mean to upset your...girlfriend. Sorry." The half-sloshed sailor looked bummed out.

"She's not my girlfriend, but, we all have to take care if each other. Many of us, that's  all we got."

Earline mumbled, "At least it tasted good. Lots of sailors are too salty. Thanks, Ricky. Earline forgives you." (Ricky Recuit is a Navy phrase, for still learning the ropes.)

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