Surprising Young Veteran

 The Homeless veterans, I have been aware of, and as a veteran, is a concern.

I've been driving a Taxi 3 years, and thought I saw it all.

Then, a chatty fart, about 45 hopped in my cab on the Naval Air Station's flight terminal. (An airport, just for moving military personnel around, on free flights.  If you're inactive duty/retired, we'll you can ride as standby, as well)

So, I began with the customary, "where to?" 

"Take me to the Chiefs' barracks." 

As I drove we made small talk. Turned out he was a retired airdale, from Prestonburg, KY.

But, currently, just bounced from base to base; as conditions grow too crowded, he moves on.

He flys free as a standby on military planes, and if barracks are full at destination, will grab a hotel, ...or hostel.

Jet Set Homeless, but, not exactly the aimless.

"Here ya go, it's a hundred, ...I'll either be back out for some change, or we're going eleswheres." He trotted into the Chiefs' barracks quarterdeck.

I sat and listened to music.

"Well, fuck. It's Ocean View 'til morning."

He clambered back in.

"Any specific?

"Willoughby Spit...a nice view!"

We got there, he checked in, I drove him to his room. The fare was barely, $35.00.

"Keep the change buddy."

(I didn't even get a chance to say 'Thanks, buddy.' before...)

"...there's another hundred, if ya come in for some coffee."

(I had just earned about an hour's worth of driving, so)

"You really don't  have to tip further, but, I can sure drop in for a cup, right now. ...I'm working until 5:30 am."

So, we slipped in the door, and true Military Style, he had the coffeemaker going, before he even sat his keys down.

He grabbed a towel from the wall shelf and placed it on the counter by the sink.

"I've  been to One Air Force base, one Marine Camp, and now, a Naval Air Station, and a Naval Operations base... Since sunrise!"

He was undressing around the corner, feigning modesty, yet, with the giant-assed mirror revealing all of the squirrelly vet's finer points, in clear view.

He was soon, casually holding a towel in front of him, and stepping from around corner,  looking like a dry person emerging from a shower.

Without batting an eye, "...dark?"


He was hoisting a cup toward me...and pouring his own. He sighed, "So, nice to finally get out of my traveling clothes."

He draped the towel on the back of a chair.

I was on corner of bed, and he spun the motel room desk chair around, and sat on it like a cowboy.


His meat hung right there in full view.


Looking right at his organic rod... (sip) "Man, that's nice ...the coffee at Sebmo-Lebben is awful at night." (Enough of a gap both to compliment his package, and start a new subject.)

His knees wobbled a bit.

"This shower, and hitting the rack is gonna feel good..." He enticed.

"I know. I can hardly wait for my shift to get off, myself!"

"Don't have to wait, as long as you've got a minute."

"Well, Now, ...sure is tempting. But, I sure need to give you your privacy...."

"Privacy? Fuck that! I've stayed in barracks from center-suites, to open bay, for 40 years...surprised I don't have a nude full-body on the Air Force homepage!" He added, "At this point, I practically expect to see and be seen, every time I shower."

He casually stood, and grabbing the towel on the chair, leaned into his bag and started gathering toiletries.

"If you wait until I'm done showering, you might be missed at work, besides this is the large ole handicapped low-lipped one."

"Well, I guess as a blunt invitation, I get it...let me scrub your back."

I shucked my clothes off, drawers and all.

He already had his water going, ...then turned on the tap, and started the shower a-flowing, too.

The scrappy but, beefy younger dude, didn't look a day over 45. His sparse, yet still furry, chest, only had a few grey hairs in the deepest part of the chest nest.

I pulled out my rigid man-meat.

His hairy treasure trail, led to a thick uncut dick with thin balls. My mouth was watering, as he flipped the spigot to begin spray.

I was almost at getting into the lip of the shower, soon as my socks would come off, my eyes kept studying that stud's dong of delight...when he sucker-punched me by kneeling first.

Dang this young scrappy beefcake was chawin' on my ole dick in no time. His log, slapping between my ankles, ...I moved them boob-close, and his hips went into tandem action with his suction pump.

I'd never had an ankle-fucking blowjob before, but, then, I didn't retire from the military, either.

I felt a gooey dribble soak my right sock, and he began heavy slurping at a quick pace. 

I was about to pull out and shoot on his face, when his paws yanked my butt, and my sword was swallowed to the hilt!

I could feel my pubes fluffing in the nostril, blasts! Whoa! With no further warning, I shot a cum-guzzler's cream dream, across his tonsils, and into his swallowing maw.

I made my way to exit, and he crawled after me shoving a bill into my hip pocket, "Thanks, pal."

Later, I chewed my wettened sock when, I was sitting at a taxi stand awaiting the next call.

I had forgotten the crumpled bank note in my pocket, until undressing the morning after.

...Jet Set Homeless Veterans...who knew?

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