Zamboni and the Turnpike T room

 The further adventures of my Little-Dicked college classmate Samuel Leon Boney.

Sam impressing with his confidence.

I am at the larger end of average hung guy, being 5-3/4" [14.6 cm,] add to that my big set o' balls.

Author's real meat.

My buddy Sam only sports about an inch, and a half [again, 3.5cm,] with normal to small nuts in his sac.

Zamboni's real meats.

So, I have been fully surprised at his horndog-itude. I guess more his lack of hang-ups over having the smallest dick in the room, year in, year out.

I was traveling towards Tulsa, somewhere near Stroud, eventually heading to Northern Arkansas, and we went into the Men's room. You know the one.

I figured Sam'd be hiding under a bushel, no. He walked right up beside the slim, limberjack-lookin' trucker with a chain on his wallet! (There were probably 12 other screenless urinals, wide open.)

"Got a Heavy load?" He asked the non plus trucker, while unbuckling and unzipping for his tiny reveal...

The trucker spit out his toothpick, as he mumbled, "Pumpjack counterweights. That there big enough?" 

As I had just sidled up along the other side of trucker, but, a couple of urinals away. I noticed the trucker had punctuated the, 'That there big enough,' with a balls lift, and giving his fat ole uncut dick a bounce.

My buddy holding up his loose jeans and shorts, around his thighs, licking his lips leaned forward, looking past the nicely hung trucker, "Paul! ..Burley Fella here is hauling pumpjack weights, like your old man did!"

(My old man, was a Mechanic, and Oil Man, never a Trucker. 

SAM'S pop was a rock trucker, never afraid to show us his cock, soft or as a boner.)

I had been standing with my hands on my hips, balls and all flopped out. I glanced over, and innocent trucker was sizing up my display. "Oughta be doing pretty good, then. My dad did allright." I faked conversation. 

(Sam behind him pointed at the trucker's exposed foreskin, making licking pantomimes while trucker's head was facing me...I saw him fumbling his camera phone, out and I added, "Where y'all picking them up, it a long haul?"

"Texas City, docks."

"That's definitely long."

Sam's phone slipping back into his pocket.

The trucker looked back at Zamboni with his mini-prick pissin' proudly. Letting out a modest, "Humph."

Trucker slowly milked his shaft. Pressing his fisted knuckles onto his nut-bag, creating stretches of bulge skin, here and there.

We were both enjoying the casual, nudity on display.

"You mind?" 

He looked straight at me asking, ...but, grabbed the collar, of Sam's hoodie

 guiding him across the tiled palace hardon-first towards the shitter dividers. Shutting the door.

I looked around the cavernous room. Seeing no one, dashed over to the next stall, and watched as Sam, sucked the shit out of his trucker-cock.

I got a hard rod, and started my own palm-party; while one-eye was glued to the tiny view-hole eyeballing the voyeuristic-friendly performance.

I tried shoving my lens to the hole, and getting a shot of Sam Boney, sucking some dick.

I was rock solid, as the trucker low-toned his commands to Boney-boy Sam.

The little fucker! 

We agreed to go nuding, to Eureka, Arkansas,  and bet that the most confirmed given blow jobs, doesn't have to split gas-cost, headed back. The little-pricked cocksucker has already started the count!

I was half furious, at him. I would have loved to nuzzled in and get a mouthful, too, the glutton.

We ate at the fast-food joint, not once did I mention the wet knees, with toilet paper remnants, nor the obvious blob of cum on his hoodie, as he placed his order.

I let him enjoy the food, and only after we got into the Tacoma, did I mention, "Zamboni, your britches have little bits of toilet paper, in the wet areas of your knees. Oh, check your hoodie in your visor mirror."

"What?" He started brushing off the rolled up paper bits, and scanned his upper torso, "FUCK WAD!"

"Yeah, I thought it might be that, as well..." I deadpanned.

(A sock on the arm...) "You fuckin' knew, I had a blob of cum on my shirt, and you let me go up to the cashier anyway.

"Hey. HEY. Be nice, ...I let you suck my trucker's ole dick, didn't I?"

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