Cheese Please

 As dairy manager, at the Wiggling Pig Grocers, It was my job to assign real estate in the dairy case.

So when, reps would come by, I'd look for products that will move.

Marcus was a sexy little dog.

He had way-hairy arms, and a linebackers chest, clean shaven above his snug tie.

His dazzling green eyes were penetrating, and his nice light brown haircut was so perfect, any rug-maker would love to emulate it.

He sold a name brand Mozzarella, Cheddar, and Provalone...among other stuff line, but, I digress


I was in the warehouse, at the employee's men's when I got sidetracked with a sexy-text.

I was hanging out by the sink, playing on the phone, and Marcus busted in...unzipped flopped out a handful of happiness, and hosed into the toilet.

"Ahh, man. Traffic is awful...oh, hey, didn't mean to barge in on you."

"It's a 2-holer."

 He knowingly glanced a couple of shots at my still free-hanging, half-hard out of fly meats.

His piss suddenly cut off, ...and resumed.

His hose was long and hard.

"My dad had to leave it swinging, walking to the sink to rinse his, too. ...I guess your used to it occasionally getting peeked at."

I replied,  "After all, it's the only show on the room, if a guy ain't jerkin' off, ...even I would stop and watch that! Who wouldn't?"

On cue he chuckled and his stream sloshed and splashed.

I shoved my heel and blocked the door, "three's a crowd."

He had just dribbled to a halt, and was ready to begin the milking.

I turned and matched him milk stroke for milk stroke. He sped up, I sped up. He stopped, I stopped, "Then, I slurked back the skin, let it glide back onto the head, and his eyes were transfixed.

I began some routine ball-slinging, and nipple-play, as he flushed, (oh, he had already flushed the John,)  and firmed full.

"PULL out those balls... boy, don't cha know? Men want to see them."

He lifted out his balls and was jacking with a fervor.

I was taking a flopping break, you know, flipping my semi-full grown bone, up and down noisily?

...then, his hand reached over and stroked mine. He was admiring it, like a son admires his dad's, and he was stroking us both, soon we were jousting blindly between his cupped hands.

I shot slickeriness into his palm pussy, and the slurky noise was deafening. He shot warmly onto my pecker and I left it, what with wearing black jeans that day, as I slipped my soaked bone into its basket.

Yep, ...mine.
I relaxed the uninterrupted door, pulling my heel away.

Just then, Fred came in, "oh! already two!"

"I was just leaving and Marcus was waiting to wash up. Oh, Marcus, Fred."

Fred, nodded 'hey,' as he pissed into the sinkside urinal, "damn, Paul, ...smells like cum in here."

"I was just telling Marcus it smelled like Timmy's been Jackin' off again."

Fred chuckled.


Marcus approached the dairy case, 'That was close."

"I know, right?"

"Who is Timmy?"

"The auburn haired stock jock, fresh out of High School, every guy here has caught him beating off, some 2, even 3 times! Hell, I've even told him 'don't stop on my account,' and pissed right there while he watched, and resumed.

"I guess the only thing keeping him from getting fired, is the boss is a lady, and she never caught him, what with  being in the men's room, and we men don't squeal when masturbation cums into play."

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