My 50th Story: Tire Changin'

 Before I begin, I've had 1500+ readers.

So this little confession, is a gift for my loyal readers.

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What happened today.

I had a fella in the parking lot at work, trying use a tiny bottle jack to raise his flat tire.

"I have a jack you can use, in my car. Go ahead and bust yer nuts, while I run get it."

I saw a half-hairy coin-slot as he squatted, and I headed to my car.

I got back and his ill-fitted pants were, being stretched to their limits as he adjusted the lift point.

I pumped the handle, laying on the pavement, and he went to get active with the tire.

As he knelt, I heard, and saw, his crotch rip wide open, as everything fell out.

It was not his day to be commando.

His wonder-wand, and hot nuts dangled free in the breeze as it released a hot set of balls aroma, for my nostrils, and I was getting an eyeful from under the truck, before he could react.

His reaction, was not expected.

He, at first, didn't  hide his shame.(Not that he had anything to be ashamed of.)

Then, he felt his dick and even stroked back the head-skin.

"Oop, I thought something happened.'

He fondled for a second,  and I assured, "It's not in the way, let's just finish the tire. At least, you're not wearing women's panties, right? ...Besides it looks happy, to be let loose."

He let it hang free, for the whole tire change.

I was on the clock, enjoying the view, and reached over, once the  tire blocked the view.

I gave the nuts a lift, said "cough." (He chuckled.)

"Hey buddy, about having a jack I can use!" He grabbed his dick and milked it a couple of times.

I reached up, and toy-pawed with the slippery skin-covered head. Which tasted better than it looked, as I popped it unto my mouth. Guess it was the salt-sweat.

He was an expert at hiding what was really going on, while I was Really going on!

When I saw the scrot-bag tighten, I knew he would bust off that nut!

 The salty tang was a heavenly taste, as he prepped to finish the tire change.

I lowered the jack, put it in my car, and saw the boss over yonder, having a cigarette.

I thought 'I had just been busted, harder than Jack-man's nut.'

"Thanks for taking care of our customers."

"Awe shoot. It was my pleasure."

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