Granddad & The Hot Springs bath

 My Grandad took me to the Hot Springs, for High School graduation gift....last year's trip we were camping, and taking turns changing in the tent. No surprises, ...a lot of old men are modest.

So, I was surprised when, this time, we went to the bathhouse, and there were no suits packed. 

We stopped by the men's room on the way into locker room.

He leaned back to "see" what I was saying, what with all the echoing. (Hell, I'm tall enough this year, to see over the divider, as this pics shows.)

He started untugging and removing his shirt, as he stood there pissing. 

His dick was an Aardvark type, and not long, ...though his balls were!

He left his fly wide open, still hanging it out, as we passed over to the bench.

"Grandpap, Dad and Uncle Raymond, brought me, and all 3 cousins here, back in the 1950s." Granddad began.

"You should have seen us running around in here naked as the Dickens, back then! Sorry your Mom's alone in the Ladie's wing, and no mixed area while we're in the men's wing, we'll have a good time, anyway."

Having just dropped my shorts, he patted me on the small of the back.

One of the last pieces of advice Dad gave me was, "son, there's places appropriate to get naked, and places not to."

I was surprised to hear this.

"You wouldn't show up for church with no clothes on, conversely,  if it's just guys in a locker room, or bathing in a creek while hunting, well,...don't turn away, it makes you look like it's an invitation. Pissin'? Never turn your back on your best friend."

(Wow, my Great Grandad sounded like a Naturist!)

Granddad interrupted my memory, "The reason for the ton of urinals, is that the pool is hot, like bathwater! Makes ya want to go." He warned, standing fully nude, half hunched over, I'd never even considered him as even having a dick, and for the first time, saw those balls, that I would usually just see as lumps banging around inside his pants leg, swinging loose.

I looked around and two nekkid 5-8 yrs old were goofing around their dad, I imagined my Great Grandad.

 Apparently, the eternal scene never changes.

I was too wide-eyed about the old Bathhouse, the beauty, and rules honed over decades, the near constant, parade of nekkid men going and coming, to be horny, or shy, or...

"No tobacco in pool, Please sit by spittoons." ???? "No textiles, beyond this point." Okay. " Wash off mud, before entering pool." Again, ????

Granddad woke me from my stupor, "mud sounds good...wanna try it?"

"Mud? ...I guess."

We went to the left instead of straight into the pool...we walked under an arch, and I saw tubs, some with men, covered in mud up to their necks, (and of course, nothing else,) some empty.

Grandad sat, legs apart, his nuts cascading in a ballsy droop, off the edge of the tub.

"Aren't you afraid to show your little thing, like that"

"Well, when I became a teen, I hoped it would get longer. It never did, so, If it hasn't  gotten past stubby, in 70 years, It ain't happening today."

"It was nice to see, that you got my Grand Pap's tallywhacker." He taglined.

I was already laying back, getting a mud pour, by the time I turned my head, and he having only just reclined.

Now, the hot warm mud, and this entirely wet, hairy-chested man, that patted thru the Arch,, just laying here, and mind wandered, ...there.

I shot a stick straight into the air, popping out of the thin, wet mud like a periscope.

The attendant, draped a towel across me. (yeah, that pointy tent isn't hiding anything.) I even tried sinking lower into the thick, heavy mud, to no avail. 

He then placed another towel bundled on my tent pole, pretty good trick.

I looked to see how grand dad was coming along. 

He was looking straight at me, and knowingly winked, ...apparently he saw my rigid flagstaff.

I adjusted the tool, and thought about, other things, besides that, the sexy man with the hairy chest, was covered in mud by now.

I took my towel and went to the showers, making sure it was set to cold.

Grandad was showering off, as I stepped out of my shower. 

We swapped mode, and decided to rinse off the mud to skinny dip in the hot pool, and mostly, the rest of the afternoon was uneventful.

Other than, that time the muscular, hairy-chested man, was standing by the spittoons, foot propped up on the bench...showing off his hangers. But, I was in the water. Aside from a few kids, and one or two men, nobody was wearing goggles. Besides dicks float! (Who knew?) So, any boning was camouflaged, you really couldn't tell it was hard...I told myself.

As we were dressing, Grand dad once again patted my back, "enjoy 'em hard episodes, while you're getting them."


We met mom for after-lunch.


That night in our tent, when, mom went to change, "Grand Dad?"

"What is it, Paul?"

"This afternoon, after I got tired of swimming and all, ..."

"... yes?"

"I never, ever, wanted to put my clothes back on."

"My cousins and I were the same way, Paul. There's nothing wrong with feeling like that. Good Night, kid." (He always called me that when I wouldn't go to bed.)

That night I dreamed of the Hot Springs in the old days, and the hot guys I saw there today. Dreaming of my Grand Dad, all the cousins, uncles, Great Grand Pap, and all, running around communing in the nude...

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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