Country Boys Can't Compare

 When we were kicking some shit around, my neighbor over on a nearby dairy farm mentioned being thankful for all the help my son had been all summer.

My son's first job off my farm, as he is slow, you want to be protective, and you want to offer every opportunity. So when he turned 18, I let him work that Summer at Randy's small dairy farm, only a few miles away.

Randy's own teen sons, also, mouthed they appreciated the help, even if giving him a required newbie ribbing.

Well, Tim and Dave, started pissing onto the tractor tire, and soon, the rest of us were adding to the ground's mineral content.

I blushed as my son blurted, "I'm  glad I got the biggest one here!" (I have often attempted to  direct him from inappropriate timing...and to tell the truth,  he never would have said that with his mom present.)

Before I could, respond, Dave escalated..."Mine's bigger than yours hard." 

And with that it was Randy's turn to blush, though, I wasn't sure exactly when Dave and Tim had any chance to compare. But, hey, teens find the time...

Hoping that was the extent of "going there," I apologetically winked at Randy and gave a light chuckle.

Then, time for an aggressive stop happened, "My dad's big when he's hard."

"Dave, stop. No one wants to see me hard. Where's all this coming from?"

"You know how we always swim in the pond after, feeding the animals, and tending fields? Well, so do the Taylors, ...after milking and Mucking!"

Randy, also de-escalating, chimed in, "We was just heading to the pond, y'all want to come with us?"

Having the last man to have just danced his gear back into hiding...and with the recent conversation, I wasn't convinced  that full on nudity, was best at this moment.

Hell, I'd jacked off fantasizing about Randy and me wrestling nekkid, (since we were both on the high school team,) and if we got pinned, the milking machine was hooked on our, yeah, a definite no.

"Can we?"

"Sure son." Oop!

Fokk! I just had horny thoughts about Randy Taylor back in high school, boners, and romping nekkid, and had agreed to get naked, right now, (well in two minutes it takes to drive up to the hill pond.)

Tim drove the farm truck, me and Randy in the jump-seats.

Randy leaned over, and said, "Guess this is you and me's first time since High school, 'tooly"

The nickname, a few guys gave me, back when. (Back when I got a Raging boner, anytime the least sexual thing came up. 'Mark has a bone. You can see Sherri's nipples. That guy on Ravia's team has a rodder. Lake Titicaca. Panspermia.")

I felt my uncomfortable tight-packed meat-wad begin to swell. SHIT.

Nothing I'd like better, right now, than to sneak behind a tree, and rub one out.

Randy leaned toward me and muttered, "With Sharon on that church-women's trip, nothing I'd like better than to sneak off in the woods, and jack-off."


"I think we're both hot enough we need to get into that cooling water." I tried, cooling the conversations.

I wasn't worried either of the kids would hear, anybody that's  been third wheel In the back seat, knows you can't hear front seat conversations, with the radio playing and bouncing along a path-road, I would have to half-shout, for them to hear me...but since we were practically here, I unbuttoned my shirt and let the breeze waft my chest hairs.

Randy lifted a boot, "You want to pull this off?

I tugged the boot, tho' I noticed his finger tapping near his nut-bulge, when he asked.

"I need help, pulling off mine, as well." I playfully offered as the 2nd boot, popped off.

My twisting, wallowing, and leg-lifting, was straining my button fly, since I didn't button it very much, after the piss. 

Judging by Randy's red eyelashes, he was ogling my bulge with the skin-bulged gaping fly.

The front seat occupants, had removed their shirts, before the pick up finally stopped. "Y'all open your doors up there, before ya start undressin', we're packed in like sardines back here." Randy directed.

Dave had his muck boots off and his shirt was on the dash, he was already standing up and shucking his pants, when I saw my son's teeter-totter springboard sticking out.

I was both, a proud dad, and unsure if all of us seeing our boners was a good idea. Randy and Tim were rounding the tailgate, also stiffened. Before, I could figure out what to say, I just shucked down my jeans and let the sun itself take a looksie.

We were two dads, and two sons. 

Now, for me, Tim and Dave are plain Ole off-limits, even as they did a hands on pube poking length comparison. But, the sight of Randy's red bush in bright sunlight, along with a mostly white bone...well, I was a high school kid again, and  game, for fun and games.

We practically ran from there to the pond's edge, and dove on in.

Soon, we were splashing and cajoling. The younger two, swam out, and showed perisopes every once in a while.

Randy's submerged hand grabbed my dick, and gave a couple of submarine tugs. He even ducked under, and gave a couple of mouth pumps!

After he came up for air, he looked over, and the boys were over romping by the big, diving rock, paying no attention, so he resumed to stroke me. (Or, it was the horniest FISH I've ever encountered!)

We were neck deep, and lending each other an underwater hand; as the boys continued to romp and grab-ass, rarely bothering to look our way.

"I always wanted to grab your 'toolie." Confessed Randy, "even back when I first learned to jack-off, back in Junior High."

"Your nuts," I replied, " always looked like a peach, all pink and beige, lightly fuzzy."

Compliments aside, Randy was actively jacking my waterborne bone. Making a few waves and a splash or two.

"Dude, I'm about to shoot." I warned.

"Dunk me he pleaded," and gulped a big breath, as his head was pushed below the surface, and his chin-scruff homed in, I shot into the docking mouth, full of pond water.

"He came up, splashing and protesting as if it was against his will, and the two yougn's were obvious to our tryst.

Of course, If I was still a teen with a roaring Roger, a semi-truck could crash into our house, and I wouldn't notice anything going on around me, either.

We were still nude, leaning against the grill of the truck, watching the horny kids, have their playtime.

"Hell," Randy exhaled his cigarette. "I learned about jerking off, when I was in my treehouse, out back of the barn, and saw our dads pumping their puds. At first thought they were just pissing, but they were facing away from the barn, with nothing coming out,..just their wrists shaking. I didn't know what they were doing, I thought scratching an itch maybe?

I'm  not sure I needed to hear this.

"Then, your dad" [oh, hell, what did he do? Knelt and sucked? Butt fucked Silas?] "Started spurting these stringy ropes, my dad offered his handkerchief,  and yours wiped his dick with it, and left the big ole hard, hooded prick right there, pointing across the countryside. Moments later, my dad shot the same shit out. "

"After that, my dad said, 'Man that felt good,'  then he gave your dad a gripping feel. They tucked the hard rods away, and put their arms acrossed each other's shoulder, and walked around the other end on the barn.

[I guess farm guys play with guys, a little bit anyway, long as you're not Parade Gay about it.]

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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