Summer at Sparkle Park.

 Water Parks are popular...

...Not to mention eye candy opportunities galore.

I worked a weekend at one, I know.

I started Friday and a few of the guys took me under wing, including my gay supervisor, Rickardt.

I had to wear the trim-fitting, and rather-showy, flame-orange speed-built suit...and zinc on my nose.

I felt like I was walking around naked.

I wasn't a life guard, tho' we all had to attend a start of the day, daily first-aid rally.

My manager came up to me and said, "follow me."

We went to the bathhouse, and he said, "I see what you've got in your trunks, take it out."

I know these suits are showy, and it seemed like an odd, if not unreasonable, request.

I reached in, and hoisted my full meat and potatoes, saggy sac and all.

"Wait. Hold on." 

I'm standing there dork on display.

"Let me see your hands."

His demeanor, suddenly more sympathetic.

"You mean your not packing your suit with a sock?" He sincerely asked.

"No, sir." I meekly replied.

He got on his walkie, "Send Jack to the bathhouse..."

I was focusing on anything to keep from getting hard, what with the light breeze blowing the hairs on my balls.

Stud muffin Jack came around the corner. He had nice beefy thighs from a few years as a paperboy. Not to mention he is one of the push up boys, a group of guys that do push-ups before first-aid rally.

When he saw me in interrogation mode, he stood stunned, gave me a once over, and started hardening to a pecker pointer; while looking sheepishly at Mr. Roland.

[What the fuck's going on? Is he going to call every co-worker to take a gander at my sweet meats?]

"Do you want to tell him what you told me?"

"It's kind of embarrassing, sir."

"I only think it's fair for you to stand here like that."

He reluctantly lifted out his whole gift set. "Yes, sir."

Though stiffened, it was not as big as I imagined most other guy's poke-her poles were. 

It was, in fact, rather on the small end of anything near man-sized.

"Paul, DO accept my sincere apology, it seems Jack mistakenly reported you were stuffing a sock into your suit."

"No sir, I would never do that."

"Oh, by all means, you two put you genitalia away."

Jack had a full pointy bulge in the front of his.

"Paul, you can go back to work."

As I was exiting the bathhouse, I overheard, "Jack, next time be certain. When your erection softens, get back to work, and I don't care if you have to take matters into your own hands, make it quick."

I kinda swaggered the banana hammock, around the rest of the day...and thought I'd found a fun Summer Job.

Until HR pulled me aside, and offered me the entire Summer's wages in one payment, "for the incident."That's a car! Talk about an apology!

I did buy a season pass, and rocked a  blue less showy suit, instead of flame orange, like the workers.

Rickardt told me later, that Jack quit anyway, later that Summer, but, Mr. Roland was given a write up...I'm glad he didn't get fired.


I've got no shame showing it all, in appropriate situations, after that incident.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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