My Type?

My dirty secret?

[Looks left and right]

I think hillbillies are sexy.

Okay, not exactly the barefoot, long-grey bearded, jug holder, on the porch, ...but the scruffy, hairy jawed, beat-up pickup driving, worn, dirty jeans wearing, non-rich, red-neckedy looking types.

Buck Greaser on Flickr

I guess it started when I drove to  Arkansas for a pre-college, campus tour. 

I stopped into town early, and ordered a fast food breakfast.

While awaiting my food, I slipped into the restroom for a road piss.

There was a moonshine-making-looking buck, in a thermal undershirt, lifted above his stomach, and he had dropped-to-the-floor overalls, huddled around his ankles.

He was rinsing the suds off his soapy balls.

"Marnin'." He didn't jank his coveralls up, just casually got a little more water, slicked off some more, and let his meat hook hang as he again rinsed his hands.

The urinal was right beside the sink, so, I made mirror eye contact, "Mornin', y'all." The standard greeting for back in North East Texas.

"It's nice o' thim to have warm water." He chatted.

The soapy, wrinkle-tipped, uncut dick, casually wiggling left or  right as he continued his rinse attempt. He didn't care that it was only 3"-4", or that it mostly stuck straight out, with a wiggly jiggle.

Now, I've seen some uncut guys washing their meat at the sink before, and it was no big deal, "quick splash, pull back, pull forward, Bob's your Uncle," done.

This guy was taking a leisurely bath in the sink, a handful of water at a time.

His hairy untanned chest contrasted from his sun-roasted arms. His already flat stomach, had a round hairy patch that looked like a wet turtle, on his thin, fatless skin.

"Jake." The jarring words in the  fast food men's room, brought me out of my scan-and-admire mode.

"I'm Paul."

Then, he turned his hips side to side, in a bullfighting pose, checking his dik und balls in the mirror. "That got that."

It was sad to know he was about to lift his overalls back up.

"While they dry...."

He soaped a hand and reached up under an armpit.

Done pissing, I was just milking the dribbles.

His near foot slid backwards, as he hinged to allow me to share the sink and wash my hands. His shriveled dick pointing straight at me, the long black hairs pasted onto his thighs like mascara running after a cry. 

Nobody else having come in, I gave his pecker a playful flick from underneath, "Looks clean  as a whistle, ...Mind if I give it a toot?"

I bent forward. 

He kept his hips pointed my way. A sign to proceed. I slipped the puckered tip into my mouth. It was softer than I thought. I thought it would be tight, like my balls always were when they're cold and wet.

I flipped my tongue a few times across the tip, trying to gain access.

He put his hand on my shoulder, and moved me away. 

I stood up, a little embarrassed.

"Deputy Dale comes in about now." He looked at me as if he knows how inconvenient it would be.

I grabbed his slobber-covered trenching tool and gave him a quick "Yankee Thankee."

Lo, I was grabbing a paper towel, the door opened, a pudgy Deputy meandered in, Mornin' Jake."


Dale opened his fly, and fished out his modest mouse, fast enough not to get a wet spot on his khakis. 

"Jake, if you'd pay yore dang water bill, I wouldn't have to look at that shit, before breakfast. Bad enough when I have to run you in..."

"You never had to run me in in your life."

I got a clean view of the deputy's tiny meat, with the aid of the mirror.

Meanwhile, Jake had a hairy butt crack like Freda Kahlo's unibrow, 'cept vertical. 

Three's a crowd anyway, so, I slid out the door, horny as fukk!

Entering the dining area, I saw one other Deputy standing to order.

The difference was Reed and Malloy! Slim, khakis tucked between his butt cheeks, as he turned toward the dining area with his coffee, his right legged hangdown was distinctly visible bulging happily, even if wrestled in tight underwear.

Don't know his name, but he is one damned-handsome stud.

"Roger, ...hey, cheese-dick! Did you grab napkins?" Deputy Dale, having popped out of the men's room too fast to have washed his hands, inquired across the dining room.

The handsome rookie-looking Deputy, snapped out of it, looking up from his phone, "Yeah."

I grabbed my food and found a table, with a good view of the uncut hunk.

I'm in this college town one hour, and encounter an uncut nekkid hillbilly, an uncut [if unhung,] Deputy, and an uncut gorgeous doll faced rookie-stud...and, there's a men's boarding/bathhouse, only 2 blocks from the college.

Too bad I can't afford on-campus housing, ...and will have to stay at the men's only, former YMCA.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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