Minnesota Twins

 I first discovered Crisis Dads when I was 23.

Men who have lied to their dick as a teen, now were trapped in the suburban Wife/Kids scenario.

Some were lucky, and the wife asked for a quiet divorce "to find herself" before he had to "come out" to her. Others fulfilled their role, getting a quickie here and there, usually on business, or camping trips.

So, I was at a Gay Bar, and a married co-worker came in, though I did notice his ring conspicuously missing. He seemed lost, so I had to make him feel welcome.

I walked up and said, "I came in ten minutes ago...I'm not sure, but I think this might be a gay bar.

He laughed and cheerily offered, "HI. I'm Larry."

"But, you look like [I caught myself before saying BARRY,] ..., um, you could use some less colorful change of scenery."

Larry/Barry? Look-alikes? Twins?

I seem to remember Barry saying his brother is going through a nasty divorce.

"So, what fun are you looking for?" I casually queried.

"I really don't know." I guess like most divorced dads, ...I just want to jump back into the dating scene." He wondered aloud.

"Well. Let me tell you, here, in a gay bar, you'll find friends, you'll find sex partners, ...and now marriage is legal, you may even find a husband...

"But, most recently-divorced dads, (and Pops on Business trips,) just want their dicks sucked...right off the bat, they don't care who. 

"To put it bluntly, sort of." He muttered.

"Either right here in the men's room of the Gay Bar, or some sordid motel room..." I lamented.

Adding, "My crappy apartment is furnished with motel furniture, and to tell the truth, the bathroom's not much cleaner than here!"

He chuckled.

"So, how do I find which guys that do..., y'know, blow jobs n...stuff?"

"You might find this hard to believe, but, virtually every mouth you see in this room, has had a dick in it. Usually, several. But, between 60-75% actually like doing it!"

"Even you?"

"Even me. But, truths be told, I am happy enough suckin' dick. But, if it was up to me, I would have all the guys pulling out their dicks, at at the door, walking around in here flopping to and fro, and tucking back in, as they leave. I like to see an exposed dick on anybody, any time.

"To quote that German Rock band, 'Some are big und some are small...'"

"Well, mine isn't quite..."

"Up to porn star standards?"

"Hey...I was gonna say, normal."

"I have seen, hundreds, sucked dozens, and can tell you EXACTLY where your pride and joys fall into the line."

"Really? ...you'd  do that? ...for me?"

"Oh, absolutely. You look nice enough."


"No. Let's hike over to my apartment, besides, these bitches would EAT you for lunch."

We walked and chatted, somehow the Twin Brother wasn't brought up, by either of us.

But, I was about to see, and suck, Barry the co-worker's cock! 

We slipped inside.

"So how does this work? You hit me up for money, or what?"

"No money involvement, believe me, the pleasure is all mine. But, I can't  suck what I can't see. You can hang your clothes on the coat rack, there, near the door."

He started undressing. Good boy!

 (web pic)

His red hair, and brown eyes, made him look more rustic as the various layers of outer gear was shed...

"Whoa! Damn! What a beefy fur-butt, you've got Larry!"

Twisted into a half turn. "You sound like my High School coach...Larry, Barry you've got big strong butts! Now, just get 'em off the line!"

"Who's Barry?"

Still, yet to reveal the sausage and potatoes.

"Oh. My brother. Twins." 

[Bingo, confirmed.]

The next moment, was Slo-Mo etched into my brain, a ginger bushed pecker, solid white 6, with an added inch of pink puckered-tip, around the head bulb. 

[Trust me, worldwide, uncut IS the normal. Only USA, Middle East, and pockets of Malaysia,  still support that shit.]

There was a hairy, tight sporran, snugging up his nuggets.

"That's the problem with uncut guys, one never knows when they're walking amongst us."

"Uncut's a problem?"

"Oh, hell no, buddy. It's a diamond waiting to be mined! You'll find, of all groups expressing a preference, Gay Guys are the largest IN FAVOR of uncut cocks!"

"Wow, ...so you like the way it looks?"

"I love uncut cocks, they are definitely too few, and far between."

"Girls always said, 'eww.' At least my wife tolerated it and didn't make me cut it off, like Barry's..."

"Lets not talk about ex's, ...Watch this," I knelt before him.  "Umnnn." 

I performed only 2 minutes of foreskin worship, before tasting a slippery, metallic tang, not to mention feeling a throbbing in the shaft.


"Sorry, hell, we're just getting started...Don't  worry, it won't  have enough time to get soft," I plunged my co-worker's clone, rod-first into my mouth.

I sucked on it like a leech.

I stretched and swung off of it like a bungee.

I drilled my tongue deep inside his foreskin rotating around the head, flick the frenum, repeat, like an oil derrick.

I slipped that rod back and forth through my lips' tunnel, like a crude oil pumpjack.

His pubes tickling my nose into a near sneeze.

He was bucking and writhing.

"I have never had a blowjob like this!"

"Welcome to the Gay Community."

"I mean, you're not  even...performing a task or chore."

"A dick is like a musical instrument, anybody can pound the keys...it takes a musician to create beauty."

He prepared me this time around, "Buddy, ...it's welling up again."

I stopped to say, "Relax and let it flow."

He guzzle-pumped the finishing shot, as I held my breath.

I felt the head slipped past my tonsils...mmmn.

I asked him just to stand nekkid and do a.. few athletic poses. Soaking in my co-worker's little body secrets.

The next day at work, Barry seemed to be always a naked sasquatch,, even if his wife insist-o-forced him to get a circ' for her, left only swinging a routinely-found cut cock.

Circ-s are too-permanent, wives are temporary on average. Not a good gamble.

I wanted to tell him I gave a guy named Larry a blowjob, but that's not really SFW, now is it?

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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