
 Cowboys learnt long ago, the tighter the britches, the fewer the injuries.

So, buckle bunnies learnt just as fast, whether or not, a particluar cowboy had anything to show for himself.

Now, I done seen Brent and Sammuel on several occasions, and have seen enough of them without the britches, to know what generates their unique bulge forms.

I say unique only that everyman has unique ratios of dicks and balls, let alone the overall quantities.

You see where I'm going? 

Brent and Samuel team-roped, probably 8 or 9 years...always in this states' top 10.

Well, you've probably seen their pictures,  but, if ya haven't, Sammuel is the one that hangs left, all balls short rod, while Brent hangs right, his jocked-pouched pecker hanging, over a pair of micro-balls.

Put on a pleasing show? They sure do.

How'd I see their close-up magic? Well,

I was there the night Sammuel [who wears his jeans so tight, he'd hafta wear his underwear on the outside...If he ever wore any,] had his beef get loose.

Samuel stepped off his horse, and the calf was roped, his hands up, he stood for the cheering crowd, waving, before he even felt that the fatigued seam's rip that had already given such complete display to the arena onlookers, of his pink wrinkly-skinned parts.

Brent? OK, I was in a brothel, ogling lady-choices on display,  when he came in. We both chose our separate dates, and were  heading back with our treats. While stopped off at the cleaning station, Ole Brent just shamelessly slid the jeans, and jock, to mid thigh. He even talked to his dick! "Don't worry, pup, you're about to get a drink of water." as he slicked-back the wrinkly hood, exposing his hungry-head.

As she lifted the pup, I was stunned at the near ball-less status of his limited scrotal sac. [Especially after the ballsy show Sammuel gave the world.]

Any Team Ropers are usually Father/Son, Brothers, or, just negotiated talent that somehow gravitated together.  Sammuel and Brent were friends since Kindergarten.

So, the shock and rumours of Sammuel and Brent's, matching rings after the Vegas contest, spread through the Rodeo circuit like, wildfire. 

They played it off as a prank, claiming they also wanted to get a divorce in Reno, to round out the Nevada hilarity.

I've since seen them as consultants to the Gay Rodeo Assoc., their famous bulges proud as ever. (They probaly get a lot of visits from autograph hounds, at the urinals on that circuit!)

Like I say, Yin\Yang , one Big balls little dick, one Big dick, little nuts.

Though we ribbed them about it back then, too, I can still vividly recall in my mind, their studio nude, team ropin' pic in Playwoman's Men of the Rodeo Edition, all those years ago.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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