Hot Potts

 I was at work when an über-hot frequent customer, veteran came in.

Older guys like to pee right away, or they don't bother at all. Depends.

Veterans tend to show off dick a lot, and are often talkative in men's rooms.

Since, I was back near the bicycles, and therefore the restrooms, I quickly slipped in getting ready to have some interaction.

I closed the handicapped stall door, and was turned halfway from urinal, towards the door.

I would have a great, side view of the urinal as I washed my hands.

I watched the light under the door-crack, yep feet just outside.

Phone in one hand, flushing with the other, everything pulled out.

I looked up as the door swung open. 

Jack Pot! 

I mean, studly-assed, Jack Potts, came in with his silver hair, thin lips, and shuffling saunter. He already had his fly unzipped, while using the other hand to shove the door open.

"Oh! Hey Jack, step on up, I'm  done."

He was headed to the urinal, yep, he yanked all that meat out!

"How's that?"

One hand held his loaf, and half-saggy balls, almost displaying them... his other cupping his ear.

"Oh!" I said, straight into his sparkling eyes, "I just got all done."

"Sounded like you were hanging your dick out, and told me to grab some."

His heavy, full, meat hose was arced out over his balls, pissing hands free.

I took a long gander at his hooded hose,  so long and thick it has it's own gravity field!

While getting an eyeful of that scraggly-hairy sac of nuts.

Unexpectedly he blurted, "Hell, pull yer dick back out."

I pulled my stuff back out of my fly.

His soft older hands, reached under, and grabbed my balls. He clenched them, just this side of painfully crushing.

"You gotta trust a man to let him hold your nuts. And,....You get that crank hard much, son?"

(Holy shit!)

Jack Potter is grabbing my balls! (All while I have a full view of his whole meat locker.)

I slowly slipped my hand forward, and felt that plumping-up, banana-sized, uncut shaft. So smooth, and, still slips back and forth so easily along the firm inside rod, too. "Damn, Mr. Potter, you have a big ole dick on ya."

"The hell you say! Last time I heard that Staff Sergeant Ramsay knelt down and sucked it off!"

I led him by the swollen solid fleshy wand, into the stall, knelt down and sucked that smooth ivory tusk. Running my tongue into the hooded hidey hole.

He grabbed the back of my head, and began skull-hunching my mouth, pumping his hips like a rabbit.

I loved the feel of his orbs slamming the underside of my chin.

Just as he shot hot goo into my mouth, the door burst open.


I recognized my boss' shoes under the partition.

(Even, as Mr. Potts stood looming above me.) I spoke, "Alrighty, Mr. Potts, just grab my arm while I pull you up."

I flushed the empty toilet.

"Now, don't you be embarrassed to ask, If you need help again. It's nothing."

"Well, I must thank you." He said.

"Think nothing of it." I replied.

I stepped out the stall, "Oh! Mr. Thomas!"

(Mr. Potts just  walked on out the door, and left.)

I washed my hands...and headed to the sales floor...

(Besides, Mr. Thomas has no visible dick, it's so small.)

I was prepared for the worst, when I got called into his office..."Ah, Walrus! Thanks for helping out Mr. Potts. I want you to know you're March's Employee of the Month!"

"It was nothing."

"Well, we can't pay enough to demand excellence in service, like that."

"The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Potts is a swell guy."

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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