When at H.S. reunions, MEAT UP.

 (Warning: mid-tale tragedy discussion)

The "kiss and tell" of David Watts was unexpected but very thorough.


I went to my High School Reunion (where I had graduated still a virgin,) with trepidation.

I had been considered a Gay Goth Brooding-Artist Loner. No targeted wimp, bully-fodder, mind you, just a nonpopular/nonjock. 

I had since become a Nationally known Intactivist by then. While David, who was popular on the other hand, had transitioned from stud-muffin, to beefy Dad-bod quite well. 

"We gonna Crack a beer of truce today?" He introduced himself.

"Hey, David! Sure, but, only if we share it with Colton." (a classmate that was tragically lost.)

(He leaned in, so nobody could here)"Well, if your up for getting nekkid, we can swim over the river to Colton's Beach."

The Reunion breakfast was over.

-I hate anybody to see my Victim-of-Circumcision shame, but, lost all sense of modesty with a stint in the Navy.

With the exception of Roger Martyn and Danny Diggs, (circ'd classmates that I saw shower at church camp.) I didn't know about any stats on size or cut/uncut of any of the other guys in my class. Oh, and I knew Sal Rontoni lost a nut, at a Wrestling match with Wilburton High...no one talked about his dick, tho'.

David came by my Motel in a pickup truck, wearing cut off shorts, and a cut-off midriff jersey, that has seen better days.

"I got some tubes in the back, let's just float over, float back, (pointing,) we can hike this trail down there, back to the truck.

"We can leave all our shit in the truck." He said, headless, as the beefy-god pulled up his Jersey and was untangling his arms.

We were each standing on our side of the toolbox stretched across the truck bed, as we undressed, removing shoes, watches, etc.

He reached over and grabbed a tube and a mini-cooler, with a locking lid. "I'm putting the truck keys in here."

We walked toward front of the truck, heading toward the river, he still had his cut offs on...

(I had the tube in my right hand, so he wouldn't tease me about being modest.)

"Hell, okay. I guess the party started here." He sat down the cooler and tube.

I stared hungrily as He shucked the cutoffs and skimpy, half see-thru, Wish-purchase underwear. 

There I was, looking at the uncut High School beefcake, as he tossed the cutoffs through the air, onto the center of the truck's hood. (Hmm...those are some small balls, David.)

"Them's some big balls, Walrus. You're packing more, than 3/4 of the guys on the teams!"

"Thanks," I wasn't shooting for a boner, so, having never been to Colton's Beach, I changed the subject, "How far are we gonna go?"

""You'll see when we get there."

I'm not a particular "ass-man" but, seeing his broad strong back, above his beefy Lilly-white, fuzzy-butt flexing in front of me as we hiked to the river's egde, was one of the visual highlights of my life, like seeing the stark perfection of the St. Louis Arch.

We got to the river and he bluntly asked, "what does being circumcised feel like?"

"It sucks! The cock-head feels nothing to very-little, after drying out, all leathery, and being rubbed against clothing for decades, etc."

I said, "stand there, don't flinch."

I brushed the top of his hooded dick head, a coupla times lightly with the back of a finger. "Feel that?"

"Not really."

"Yeah, That's what my head feels like..."

"You remember Max Cruddup? (He was a Black stud around school, but, David didn't even wait for a response.) He got a circ' after High School, he said, it took all he could not to cum on first plunge!"

"Yeah, there's  a lot of adult circ'd men, that brag for about  3 years...then, spending the rest of their live lamenting what a mistake they made!"

"Well, enough about dicks, at least here, let's launch." With that he plunged tube-first, backwards into the meandering flow.

I got in more traditionally and soon David fished out a beer, in a plastic bottle for me. "No, metal or glass littering up the barefoot beach." 

(Actually a side of river sandbar...but, out here in Kansas, that's  the only beach you're gonna find.)

I could smell the creosote as we passed under the train bridge, and we were soon on Colton's  Beach.

"If you were gonna be wearing your cut offs, why did you ask about my comfort with nudity?"

"Oh that? Well, I was one of the people here with Colton that day, (aside) he was really hung..., so, It was his policy to always get naked first, and everybody present had to." 

I've only known one or two prudes that didn't, the penalty was you had to suck his dick.

Angie Ballard and Jimmy Tyler decided cocksucking was better than being nekkid.

(Wow, Jimmy Tyler sucked Colton's dick in High School? Angie? Even I knew she liked to suck dick. Most guys claimed she sucked theirs.)

"What got you hard? That Colton liked to get nekkid, or did a little dick suckin' get ya started?"

I was so wrapped in thought, I didn't even know I had a Sproinger!

"Just thinking about so many of my classmates...I mean, you know the whole basketball, or football team saw each other. But, girls flopping their untanned titty-buds? Who wouldn't get hard?"

"Oh, we got hard. We'd get a little head, sex, or have to pack it back in hard, and go home, to Jack Off."

"Well, it's so embarrassing, if it doesn't go down soon on it's own, I might have a stoke!"

David laughed, as his rod slightly lengthened.

"I HAD heard Colton had a big wad, but, not much more." I lamented not being more popular in High School.

David confessed, "We were firing the pistol at some cans and glass bottles thrown in the air, of course everyone here was naked. Colton was reloading, and suddenly a shot went off, we looked and he fell over.

"I had my shirt, Terri was holding it over his wound, as I tried getting his pants on, forgot the underwear, everyone was throwing on their clothes. 

"I had to tuck his wad into his pants, nobody would help. Couldn't put his shirt on it didn't  have a bullet hole. So I tucked it in his back pocket.

"Alicia went to her car which had a Bag Phone inside, and called the sheriff. 

"Everybody there told the same story. His gun, him holding it, it went off. Nobody mentioned re-dressing him, or most of the other nudity, though a few vaguely mentioned partying and some skinnydipping. We floated all the alcohol down the river, avowing never to bring glass or cans down here again."

"Jeez." (I don't know why I  hugged David right then, nor why so closely, nor for so long.

"Well. That's how it happened."

He suddenly brightened up. He opened a plastic bottle of beer, pouring it fresh into the river, "here ya go, Colt'."

At that point the tell-all session of who in our former class had big dicks, who had small, the few guys that were uncut, and how hairy particular guys were...every guy in our class was. "Paul! Fuck dude, cum to think of it, you were the only guy whose dick I hadn't ever seen, at least 'til today, at the pickup back 'dere."

"I'd say you're a wealth of knowledge, you sound like you enjoyed your homework. You could play doctor."

David grabbed a loose handful of my meat, "cough." I hadn't meant on me, right then, bit, as he said, "I feel a lump," so my dick got hard in his hand.

We laughed childishly, but, my dick, tottering between soft and hard, went stone when I saw David's pits as he reached behind his head, stomach crunched, and his dick shot out full length and tight.

David said, "So, you gonna suck my dick, or do we want to Jack off."

I would love to tell you I dove onto his hot rod faster than the devalueization of Mardi Gras beads the day after.

But, I said, "Ah, ...we'd better j.o."

David Watts then, said and did something that turned my eyes saucerlike..

"Well, you're  the first guy to hug me; but I'd be lying if I said yours would be the first dick I've ever sucked." With that, his lips were sliding along my shaft and his meaty paws were fondling my balls! Right our in broad daylight.

(Whoa! Wait? David sucks cock?  I suppose not that often, but,  hell he's no amateur.)

Finally, the warm sun, the scratchy scruff of his chin scubbing my ball's sac, the cunt-smooth mouth-tunnel... had me beyond a reunion with an old classmate. I was transported, it could have been muscle beach getting mass-fondled by chesty yet empty speedoed guys.

I don't  want to lead you on that I shot off too fast, in fact it was about 14 minutes after we began. 

But, lolling my head to the side, I saw his big white ass poking up into the sky, his hard uncut dong dripping into the sand, and his sagging balls sloshing back and forth in the warm sac.

I reached over and just grabbed the hot rod.

It shot the warmest liquid onto my sandy hip, and his bobbing chin. The scene was so foreign I was no longer paying attention to the blow job...then he clenched down with his lips.

I felt the spurting pulse, before the welling-up-warning I was used to, as I Jack off.

With an "Uhhn," David stood up, and milked the cum out of his dick, then, licked his knuckle.

While I'm certain it didn't move, I felt my limp-assed dick lurch anyway.

We wrestled, cajoled, and became long-distance Social Media friends...


The next re-union I missed, the next after, he missed...we did see each other in Tampa just by chance, on separate vacations with others, once. 

Now it's been 24 years since High School.

I will go to our Class's 25th...but, if David is there, I'm gonna suck those coconuts right up through his jumbo straw. 

After all, we ain't getting any younger.

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)

If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


  1. I feel ya.
    I got to skinnydip with a wrestling coach at my 1st reunion!.


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