Trough-y Dad

 I am a Pinball.

If I work someplace, I'm more dedicated than adept; which blindsides me every time I get fired.

I didn't  go out the front door this morning, thinking, "Gee. I'd like a blow job from a straight (if closeted-)daddy-type today."

So, when I fall into any sex, I'm more amazed, than horny-released. (I can jack-off that kind of stress, anyway. Tho' I did learn NOT to do it in the men's room at work, already.)

So, It is Summertime, the beach is flooded with tourists, I have a crappy 

job at a family-friendly, if mid-tier restaurant. (Not top notch, but, not a total dive either.)

So, when the black guy with a Tennessee T-Shirt stretched across his military chest came in, I knew he was a tourist.

Our building was built in the 1950s, and aside from a bit of redecorating, was still a terazzo-floored, white concrete, time capsule.

So, like I said, I was standing at one of the trough urinals, dork and balls just hanging out, (since I worked in the kitchen, but not with food, I left my wet-apron hanging by the kitchen sink.)

So, like I said, this Tennessee t-shirt came in, and decided to stand a wee bit close, since I was the only guy in the room, what with two 4 foot urinals, at our disposal; he could have picked anywhere.

I was expecting great things, But, he hoisted that small pointy dick out. Still a sexy uncut specimen. Besides even fun-sized is Fun.

He looked modestly pleased at my glancing look...and smiled, "I hoped so."

He flopped out the rest of his meat and I got a longer, second glance.

As I was thinking, "I want to suck that dick of yours." I heard the words spoken aloud by him!

His green eyes flashed with happiness, when I went ahead, and lifted up my balls at him.

He reached across, smiling, as he was kneading my balls, he added, "I can't do this kinda thing back home."

Hoist yer balls out? ...I do it all the time. I've even felt other guys' balls, often enough.

With that he bent down, and sucked my dick a good 30-40 seconds, hard and fast. I hadn't even milked the piss dribbles, yet!

There was no lock on the door, there was no place to hide, (like I already said, men hate our three toilets, not having dividers!)

If anybody came in, I could get fired mid-season for this! Just like when I got caught jacking off at Burger Hut!

He straightened up, quickly crunched some crispy bill into my pocket, and said, "That, just made MY vacation."

(Fuck, I didn't  even get to come in your mouth.)

I figured, being from Tennessee, and this close to the Titusville Spaceport, he probably spent a ton of cash on the resort-row attractions. Saying to himself, "now, it is my turn." 

And, just like that, before I could bend forwards, to return the favor, the cocksucker was gone, ...wierd.

It only took me another minute to toss off the Randy Roger.

I was strolling back to the kitchen, contented if mystified, at what just happened.

Nobody knew why I was content all night, no matter what dishes from the dining room, or kitchen, got thrown at me.

(Did you bastards get a blow job tonight, while on-the-clock?)

Hell, I didn't even need the hush-money he stuffed into my pocket!

If you enjoy my BJ/JO storytelling,  tell your buddies, (if not shoot me an email.)
If you've  had similar experiences, comment below.


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