Tow Jam

2nd hour of walking. The heels of my boots are starting to pound through the gel insoles. The day is warm, and I took off the sweat pants an hour ago. I chugged my water bottle. Air horn, ...thanks asshole, I know you're coming, I heard you a mile back. Air brakes, rush of wind, and the tow truck was stopped, a few hundred yards ahead I hooked-up, trotting to the passenger door, before he could change his mind. The door popped open, and driver was leaning to pick up an empty Gate-Raid bottle from the modest collection, in the passenger floor. "Climb on in! with ya in a second." In one quick move, shoved a hand into his sweats, flipped his meats over the waistband, and pussy-fucked the mouth of the bottle, ...releasing a torrent of piss into the measurable confines. I stared at his openly relaxed balls, holding up the wantonly open pussy-hole, he lifted the bottle and as his flaccid cock loudly thumped, he screwed on the cap, feigned offering me a guzzle/turn, and...